6 masked miscreants loot Rs 4 lakh

by · The Pioneer

In West Bokaro OP area of Ramgarh district of Jharkhand, 6 masked criminals entered a house in Chainpur Sondiha village at gunpoint and looted property worth about Rs 4 lakh.

Confirming this incident, Ramgarh SDPO Parameshwar Prasad said on Friday that raids are being conducted to arrest the criminals. The SDPO said that masked criminals looted the house of local resident Bablu Prasad late on Thursday night.

The criminals first broke the lock of the roof door and entered inside. After this, all the members of the house were taken hostage. The criminals locked the 3-4 people present in the house in a room and started searching the whole house. They scattered the items from the cupboard, bed and every room. During this, the criminals ran away with whatever cash and jewellery they could get their hands on.

Victim Anshu Kumari said that the whole family spent the night in terror. She said that when her room's door was knocked at night, she thought that her husband had returned home but as soon as the door opened, the criminals pointed a gun at them. The criminals held them hostage and locked all the family members in a room. They asked them to take out cash and jewellery. If they did not take out the household items, the criminals threatened to kill them.