Mwonzora Denies UK Hotell Harassment Allegations by Notorious Stalker Simba Chikanza

by · The Zimbabwe Mail

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LONDON – Zimbabwean Senator Douglas Mwonzora who is the President of Zimbabwean opposition party the MDC-T has denied allegations of harassment and racial slurs directed at hotel staff during his attendance at the UK Labour Party conference in London.

The allegations were initially reported by the online blog platform ZimEye owned by the well-known notorious stalker Simba Chikanza, which claimed that the senator had been banned from a Premier Inn hotel after harassing two female staff members.

Chikanza is well known for terrorising Zimbabweans in the UK.

In a series of posts on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, Mwonzora responded to the accusations, calling them “false and malicious.” He firmly denied any wrongdoing, stating that at no point did he insult or harass anyone. According to the senator, the issue arose after he refused to be interviewed by ZimEye editor Simba Chikanza regarding his participation in the conference.

Images of Douglas Mwonzora pleading with Premier In a reception for protection. (Images: X)

Mwonzora explained that on the day of the incident, he had booked two rooms at the Premier Inn with a Zimbabwean friend. He claimed he was fast asleep when he was awoken by movement in his room, only to find Chikanza inside with his phone. “I had no idea at that time how he had gained entry into my room,” Mwonzora stated. He claimed to have chased Chikanza out of his room and reported the intrusion to hotel staff.

The senator further alleged that Chikanza had convinced the hotel reception to issue him a duplicate key under the pretense of being Mwonzora’s friend. Mwonzora expressed concern over the security breach, stating that he made it clear to the hotel staff that he did not want anyone accessing his room.

The MDC-T leader also refuted claims by Chikanza that the journalist had paid for his hotel room, calling it a fabrication. “Why he would come to my room whilst I was asleep at that odd hour of the day is still a mystery to me. I can only think that he wanted to harm me one way or another,” Mwonzora said.

Terror threat: Mwonzora pleaded for assistance with the hotel staff amid intrusion and threats. (Images: X)

Mwonzora accused Chikanza of stalking and acting out of political rivalry, noting that Chikanza is a member of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), a party opposed to Mwonzora’s own MDC-T. He labeled the allegations as a smear campaign designed to tarnish his reputation and that of the UK Labour Party.

The senator announced that he would be taking legal action against Chikanza, accusing him of “unprofessionalism and malice.” Mwonzora maintained that he had not breached any UK laws and had left the hotel without issue. He expressed respect for the UK Labour Party, emphasizing his commitment to its policies, particularly those concerning workers’ rights.

As the story unfolds, Mwonzora’s legal action against Chikanza may lead to further developments in what has become a high-profile dispute within Zimbabwe’s political landscape.

Simba Chikanza, runs the UK-based online blog platform ZimEye, and he has long been a polarizing figure in Zimbabwean politics and media. Known for his aggressive reporting style and confrontational interviews, Chikanza has been at the center of numerous controversies involving allegations of stalking, harassment, and intimidation of political and public figures in Zimbabwe.

Over the years, Chikanza has faced accusations of using his platform to “terrorize” prominent Zimbabweans, often through what critics describe as invasive and unethical journalistic practices. His confrontational style of ambushing individuals for interviews, coupled with unverified claims, has led to several high-profile disputes, with political leaders accusing him of harassment and defamation.

This is not the first time Chikanza has been embroiled in such accusations. In 2021, he was accused of harassing Zimbabwean government officials and opposition members alike, often demanding interviews and publishing sensationalized stories with little evidence. Several politicians have claimed that Chikanza’s tactics go beyond journalism and border on personal vendettas aimed at discrediting and maligning his targets.

Douglas Mwonzora feels harassed (Images: X)

One such incident involved former Zimbabwean Information Minister Jonathan Moyo, who accused Chikanza of “cyberstalking” and spreading falsehoods about his personal and professional life. Moyo and others have alleged that Chikanza uses inflammatory language and harassing tactics to draw attention to his stories, which they claim are often exaggerated or distorted for clicks.

In addition to political figures, Chikanza has also been accused of harassing private individuals, often invading their privacy under the guise of journalism. His relentless pursuit of “scoops” has led to accusations of him terrorizing individuals for stories, creating a hostile environment for his interview subjects.

Due to his controversial methods, several Zimbabwean politicians and public figures have threatened or pursued legal action against Chikanza. In 2020, a Zimbabwean court issued a warning to Chikanza for defamation after he published stories about a businessman without substantial proof.

Simba Chikanza remains a divisive figure in Zimbabwean media, with supporters hailing him as a fearless journalist speaking truth to power, while his detractors accuse him of harassment, cyberbullying, and unethical journalism. As legal battles and public disputes continue, his controversial role in Zimbabwean politics shows no signs of fading. Whether these accusations will result in lasting consequences for Chikanza’s media career remains to be seen.