No Durga Puja holiday, no puja outside temples, no idol immersion, display anti-India statements outside temples: Islamists in Bangladesh threaten Hindu community

Members of the organisation displayed banners in the demonstration with their 16 demands, which included "Stop calling Druga Puja a universal festival, its a festival of Hindus", "Can't allow organisation of Puja anywhere by blocking roads, Puja should be inside temples only" etc

by · OpIndia

Islamists in Bangladesh continue their relentless attack on Hindus and their festivals, despite assurances of safety and protection from the interim government led by chief advisor Muhammad Yunus. Now, radical organizations have warned the Hindu minority community not to publicly celebrate Durga Puja or participate in any idol worship or immersion of idols as the festival draws near. Additionally, they are also opposing national holidays declared for the festival. Extremist groups recently staged a march against Hindus utilizing a playground in Dhaka’s Sector 13, reported India Today.

The location has been the centre of Durga Puja celebrations for many years. However, as anti-Hindu sentiments in the country are rapidly growing, several Islamic outfits have called for restrictions on celebrating the Hindu festival. Insaf Keemkari Chhatra-Janta demonstrated against the Hindu festival and held placards reading, “No worship anywhere by closing roads, no pollution to water by idol immersion, no worship to idols.” The organization has also put forth a 16-point demand that, citing concerns about environmental damage, asks for limitations on public acts of worship and idol immersion. It also wants government assistance funds for festival expenses to be banned along with a prohibition on closing roads for Hindu religious events.

Islamist outfits protests against Durga Puja celebrations. (Source: India Today)

Members of the organisation displayed banners in the demonstration with their 16 demands, which included “Stop calling Druga Puja a universal festival, its a festival of Hindus”, “Can’t allow organisation of Puja anywhere by blocking roads, Puja should be inside temples only”, “Drinking alcohol in temples centred around Puja won’t be allowed”, “immersion of idols in water causing water pollution”, “Durga Puja holidays should be restricted holiday, not general holiday”, “Stop export of Hilsa fish to India”, “Ban music during Puja”, etc.

According to Insaf Keemkari Chhatra-Janta, Durga Puja should not be celebrated as a public holiday since it disturbs the life of the majority Muslim community as Hindus make up less than 2% of the population. Referring to religious grounds, it further asserts that no Muslim should participate in or support Hindu festivals. They also want temples “built by occupying many special lands in Bangladesh” taken down.

It demands that anti-India banners and slogans be displayed in all temples so that Hindu residents can demonstrate their allegiance to Bangladesh and their anti-India sentiments. “Since India is the national enemy of Bangladesh, the Hindu citizens of Bangladesh must also agree to be anti-India. For this reason, anti-India banners and anti-India slogans should be kept in temples,” Insaf Keemkari Chhatra-Janta stated.

The Hindu community, which is gearing up for a more stressful Durga Puja, is extremely worried about these precarious developments. Attacks on the community have been regular since the previous government headed by former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed collapsed on 5th August. Reports of temple vandalism and idol destruction have increased, heightening the anxiety of the marginalised community.

Hindus in Khulna have been asked to pay 5 lakh Bangladeshi taka (nearly, INR 3,50,726) to celebrate Durga Puja. Hindus will be beheaded, according to the letter received in the mail, if they reveal this to the government or the media. It further stated that the recipient’s fate would be similar to what transpired with Hanif’s project if the money was not paid. Awami League Joint General Secretary Mahbub Ul Alam Hanif’s house was plundered for multiple days after Sheikh Hasina’s government fell.

“Listen, if you want to perform Durga Puja in 2024, you will have to pay a contribution of five lakh taka from each temple. Otherwise, you will not be able to organise puja in any way. As was done in Hanif’s project, your fate will be the same. Keep all the money ready within a week. Give the money in a place in Kalinagar market as you will be told. Will inform you of the place later. If you tell these things to the administration, journalists or anyone else, remember that you will be cut like a taro stem. Your family will also not be spared. Tell all other nearby temples secretly as we don’t know the names of all temples. There will be no benefit in the administration and the army tricking us, the money will have to be paid. In the name of Allah, if we don’t get money, we will cut you into pieces. We are watching you,” the letter threatened.

The dwindling minority community of the country especially Hindus have faced gruesome attacks at the hands of the jihadis especially after Sheikh Hasina fled the nation. They have been murdered and raped while their temples and properties have been looted and destroyed by the fanatics in Bangladesh as the administration either watched like a mute spectator or denied the atrocities. Notably, what began as anti-quota agitation swiftly transformed into ruthless persecution of Hindus by Muslim extremists.