How to save, collect, and extract with the Exo Pilot in The Forever Winter - Bring Her In quest guid

A sympathetic ear is rare in The Forever Winter, so we had better save this Exo pilot before the battlefield claims her.

by · Shacknews

Bring Her In is a challenging early-game quest in The Forever Winter. You will need to find, collect, and extract with an Exo Pilot. There are two ways to do this, with one being much quicker than the other but likely being something you’ll need a few hours in the game to be able to do.

How to save, collect, and extract with the Exo Pilot in The Forever Winter 

Source: Shacknews

The first way to do this is to let the battle play out naturally. There are two main places where you can find Exo suits, depending on how the enemies randomly spawn on the map.

Spawn at Cememtary on the Scorched Enclave map and then move all the way across to the far corner from where you spawn. Most people don’t go here often, but it’s a good spawn point for tanks, Exos, and enemy units that you might need to hunt. There can often be a solo Exo that spawns in this area.

The second spot is right outside the extraction in the pipes. EXOs can spawn here, and it is also on their patrol route from other areas. It might be the better option to pick for one simple reason: tanks also spawn here. 

The main thing you will need is for the Exo to be destroyed, and the best chance of that happening is with an enemy tank. This requires patience, as I have noticed that tank AI is some of the worst in the game. Eventually, the Exo will go down; you can let the area clear, then grab the pilot as you would any other piece of loot.

Source: Shacknews

Interact with the wreckage, and make sure you have a free container spot for them (where a Large Lockbox or Water Barrel would usually go), and you’ll be able to grab them and hold them on your back. After that, you need to extract and do so carefully. Remember, you have a fragile human on your back; you don’t want incoming fire. There will be two interaction boxes, with the top one being the pilot and the bottom one the wreckage loot.

The second way is a more loose interpretation of what we are being asked. Ultimately, we are trying to save someone from peril, so we might as well be the peril ourselves. Bag Man or Mask Man with a mere 2000 XP can unlock Grenade Launchers, and a Grenade Launcher can take down an Exo in about three shots.

For this one, I would suggest checking point A on the map until you get the Exo to spawn there, as they will always spawn solo. Take them out, grab the pilot, and then exfiltrate with them. 

This can often prove to be the better option as it is much faster and gives you more control. Sometimes, when you are waiting for enemies to kill each other, it just won’t happen the way you need it to.

Now that you have rescued the Exo pilot check out our The Forever Winter page for more helpful guides.