Where to find Flame Sac - Monster Hunter Wilds

This rare item only comes from a specific low-rank hunt.

by · Shacknews

Monster Hunter Wilds' Flame Sac item shows up as an essential part of crafting a specific line of weapons, though depending on how fortunate you are with item drops, you might not even realize where it comes from. Flame Sac only drops from one monster – and only at low rank. 

Our Monster Hunter Wilds Flame Sac guide explains which monster, where to find it, and how to farm Flame Sac.

Monster Hunter Wilds: How to get Flame Sac

The Flame Sac is a semi-rare drop from Guardian Rathalos, a monster you'll only find in the Ruins of Wyveria region. It's not tied to any specific monster part, so if you're just after Flame Sac, you don't have to fuss with trying to break Guardian Rathalos' weak areas – its wings, tail, or legs. It just might show up when you carve the defeated monster.

And "might" is the operative word here. Flame Sac is a two-star rarity item, which means it has roughly 20 percent chance of showing up when you carve a Guardian Rathalos, though you can get it by capturing the monster with a trap and tranq bombs as well. Flame Sac only drops from low-rank Guardian Rathalos as well. Once you unlock that hunt's high-rank variation after chapter four, during the King's Triumphant Return quest, the drop turns into Inferno Sac.

The same is true for the standard Rathalos variation. These dragons only turn up in high-rank environments and only drop Inferno Sac as a result. 

Monster Hunter Wilds: How to farm Flame Sac

After defeating the Guardian Rathalos in Monster Hunter Wilds' main story quest, you can challenge it again at any time when it appears on the map in the Ruins of Wyveria's low-rank environment. You can also force its appearance by taking on the optional quest His Eternal Reign. 

After completing the main campaign when the regions all turn into high-rank environments, however, the only way to get Flame Sac is by replaying the His Eternal Reign quest. That said, by this point, you're better off spending your time hunting high-rank monsters to get high-rank armor anyway.

If you're after more Monster Hunter Wilds help, head over to our pop-up camp guide to make fast travel easier.