Live: Annual Pre-Selichos Farbrengen in Crown Heights

Live on Motzei Shabbos at 10:15 PM ET: The annual pre-Selichos farbrengen with Rabbi Sholom Charitonov will take place in Crown Heights at the home of R' Michoel Slavin.

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A pre-Selichos farbrengen which takes place annually in Crown Heights will be streamed live online this year.

Chasidim have a Minhag to Farbreng in the hours leading up to Selichos, and so each year, for over 35 years, Rabbi Sholom Charitonov has led a Farbrengen on the Motzei Shabbos of Selichos.

The Farbrengen takes place at the home of R’ Michoel Slavin in Crown Heights, which is located a few doors away from 770, at 754 Eastern Parkway.

Following the Farbrengen, participants head over to 770 Eastern Parkway for the reciting of the first Selichos.

By popular demand, the farbrengen will be streamed live on for the worldwide Chabad community to participate.

The Farbrengen will begin at 10:15 PM ET on Motzei Shabbos until 12:45 PM, when Selichos will be recited in 770 Eastern Parkway.


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