Nshei Erev Rosh Hashanah Gathering in 770

Nshei Ubnos Chabad will gather in 770 Bais Moshiach downstairs in the men's section at this auspicious time, erev Rosh Hashanah, ushering in the new year 5785.

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At this auspicious time, erev Rosh HaShanah, ushering in the new year תשפ”ה
תהא שנת פלאות הגאולה
Nshei Ubnos Chabad will gather in 770 Bais Moshiach downstairs in the men’s section.
Monday evening 27 Elul 30th sept.
6:15 registration
6:45 program
Guest Speaker Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
M.C Goldie Blank
All women and girls will have the zchus to enter the Rebbe’s room.
This is the time when the Rebbe would address the women in 770 downstairs giving them brochos and a message for the new year.
Nshei Chabad wishes everyone
כתיבה וחתימה טובה לשנה טובה ומתוקה
תהא שנה זו שנת הגאולה האמיתית והשלמה משיח נאו

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