Make Rosh Hashanah Meaningful for Those Behind Bars

Volunteer Opportunity! Imagine spending your Rosh Hashanah alone – no family, no shofar, and surrounded by people who don’t even realize it’s a holiday. You can help.

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Volunteer Opportunity! Imagine spending your Rosh Hashanah alone – no family, no shofar, and surrounded by people who don’t even realize it’s a holiday.

For many Jewish individuals behind bars, this is their reality. But you can change that.

The Aleph Institute is urgently seeking volunteers to bring the spirit of Rosh Hashanah to two prison facilities in California. By leading the davening, blowing the shofar, and connecting with Jewish individuals behind bars, you can make a lasting impact. These visits are more than just a mitzvah—they’re a lifeline. You’ll bring joy, inspiration, and a sense of connection to fellow Yidden who might otherwise feel completely forgotten. The Rebbe spoke numerous times about the importance of bringing yiddishkeit to yidden in prison !

One volunteer described his experience: “When I signed up, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But from the moment I walked in and saw their faces light up, I knew this was something special. We davened together, laughed, and shared stories—I feel like I’ve become more humble and less judgmental from these visits. It has also stirred a lot of ideas about repentance, criminal justice, government, and perspective.”

The Lubavitcher Rebbe emphasized the importance of maintaining human dignity, even behind bars. He taught that every person, “if only he desires it, can be a reflection of G-dliness in this world.” These holiday visits embody that message, allowing each individual to feel their worth and embrace their G-dly spark, even in the most challenging circumstances.

For the men inside, the visits are life-changing: “Our most recent visit was as rich as pure honey. The volunteers made me feel like I’m the only Jewish person in prison they exist for. Man, does that make me feel special, and it makes me want to grow constantly in my Jewishness and observance.”

This Rosh Hashanah, you can bring light to the darkest of places. Your presence, your prayers, and your compassion can turn a bleak prison cell into a space of hope, renewal, and Jewish pride. You’ll walk away inspired, knowing you’ve made a real difference.

Over the holiday, you will sleep outside the prison facility in an RV with other volunteers. All travel costs, accommodations, and meals are covered by Aleph.

To volunteer, please contact Mendy Hendel on WhatsApp at 786-966-7468.

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