How Can Rosh Hashana Help Us During Time of War in Israel?

Applied Chassidus with Rabbi Simon Jacobson: How Can Rosh Hashana Help Us During This Time of War in Israel? Is It an Open Miracle That the Israeli Army Was Able to Dismantle the Leadership of the Hezbollah Terrorists in Less Than a Week?

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How Can Rosh Hashana Help Us During This Time of War in Israel? Is It an Open Miracle That the Israeli Army Was Able to Dismantle the Leadership of the Hezbollah Terrorists in Less Than a Week? Is the Killing of the Head of Hezbollah and Israel’s Recent Victories Connected to This Time of Year? Is There a Teaching That if a Year Begins Badly It Will End Positively? What Can We Do on Rosh Hashana to Ensure the Safe Release of the Hostages, and the Final Victory Over Our Enemies? How Can We Encourage the Israeli Leadership to Continue to Stand Strong and Not Back down and Succumb to Outside Pressures? Has Anyone Come up With a Fitting Acronym for Tov Shin Pei Hei?

MyLife: Chassidus Applied Episode 515, with Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Sunday, September 29, 2024 / 26 Elul 5784 – 8:00-9:00PM ET

>> Special Rosh Hashana Edition

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