Employee in China Gets Fired for Refusing to Buy Breakfast for Her Boss


As employees, we’re often compelled to do whatever it takes to make our bosses happy, including doing things that are outside our job scope. However, a woman in Shanghai found herself jobless after she refused to purchase breakfast for her boss.

According to the South China Morning Post, the woman, identified by her surname Lou, was a new hire at an educational institution.

Lou shared her experience on Xiaohongshu, where she recounted that her supervisor, a woman surnamed Liu, demanded that she bring her a “hot Americano and an egg” each morning.

Lou also mentioned that her boss insisted on readily having a bottle of water available for her to drink.

After Lou addressed the unreasonable demands in a work chat group, she was reprimanded by a group administrator, fired by the human resources department and informed that she would not receive any compensation.

Following her sudden dismissal, Lou sought reimbursement from Liu and expressed that the entire ordeal left her feeling “helpless and absurd”.

After her situation had garnered a lot of attention, the company released a statement announcing that Lou’s supervisor had been fired for abusing her authority and coercing subordinates into assisting her with personal matters.

Meanwhile, Lou got her position back and resumed her regular duties, though it remained uncertain whether she would receive any compensation.


What a rollercoaster of emotions it must’ve been for her! We’re glad that she got the justice she deserved.


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Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF