Harris & Co. call Trump a fascist: Letters to the Editor — Oct. 28, 2024

· New York Post

The Issue: Miranda Devine’s column on the Democrats’ attempt to paint Trump as a fascist.

Former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly called former President Donald Trump the textbook definition of a fascist (“Dems target Don with Nazi smear,” Miranda Devine, Oct. 24)

Topping that off was Vice President Harris who, when asked by a CNN moderator if she considered Trump a fascist, said yes.

I never would have imagined that one day in America, a presidential candidate would accuse an opponent of being a fascist. What happened to disagreeing over public policy issues?

This inflammatory rhetoric can only incite those filled with hate and violence. The Democrats don’t seem to care that when you call your opponent Hitler, it could create a tinderbox if said “Hitler” wins.

Sal Giarratani

Boston, Mass.

Miranda Devine, in reference to Harris and her supporters’ comments about Trump being a fascist, said that “it’s a fantasy concocted for the ignorant rubes who read the NY Times and don’t understand the way the world works.”

All the while, they know Trump acted in no such way during his previous four-year term. As a matter of fact, we had prosperity, jobs, low prices and no wars.

The sight of Harris standing before an American flag, reading from a script and spewing such disgusting words should be the turning point in this election. Harris does not deserve to be president.

Richard Ketay

Newark, NJ

The Trump train is picking up speed, and polls and early voting are not looking good for Harris.

So she is taking every opportunity to call Trump a fascist and argue that he is dangerous to democracy. It looks like a last-ditch, desperate effort by the Democrats to encourage someone else to take another shot at Trump.

This Biden-Harris administration is the most depraved, corrupt and ruthless in my lifetime.

Charles Sitero

Ormond Beach, Fla.

The outrageous rhetoric from Harris and her fellow Democrats about the danger Trump poses to America will undoubtedly inspire more attempts on his life by unhinged lunatics.

Now that Harris’ campaign is going up in smoke, the Democrats are resorting to unconscionable extremes to prevent him from holding office again.

This desperate attempt to paint Trump as a threat to America has crossed the line from dirty politics and borders on a criminal intent to eliminate him by any means necessary.

Thomas Urban


A few disgruntled generals have chosen to weigh in at the very last moment on behalf of Harris and against Trump.

This reminds me of when Gen. George McClellan tried to sabotage former President Abraham Lincoln, or when Gen. Douglas MacArthur tried to sabotage former President Harry Truman.

In both cases, and as is the case today, these generals allowed their egos to run amok.

Sean Coughlin

Acton, Mass.

Harris piously declares Trump a fascist.

She relies on disgruntled old generals to give weight to her claims and continually uses words and phrases out of context to hammer her points.

Her actions are desperate at a time when Americans just want the truth: Who is Harris, what does she believe in, and what will she do to make our lives better than what we’ve experienced these past four years?

She needs to stop the evil name-calling and answer these questions, please.

Alice Daly


One of the first acts of the Biden-Harris administration was reversing Trump’s sanctions on Iran, allowing Tehran to accumulate upwards of $100 billion in revenue. There is no doubt that some of that cash is funding Hamas and Hezbollah in their war against Israel.

Given the administration’s coziness with the Iranian regime, it’s rather rich that Harris has decided to close her campaign by labeling Trump a nazi.

Rob Grien

West Stockbridge, Mass.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.