Transport Secretary Louise Haigh said that as long as she was in her job bus concessionary travel should be safe (Image: GMB)

Labour statement on concerns state pensioners could lose free bus travel in Budget after winter fuel axe

On Good Morning Britain today Transport Secretary Louise Haigh was questioned amid concerns the elderly could be targeted again for cuts

by · Birmingham Live

Fears have been growing among some that concessionary bus travel could fall victim to cuts in the budget on October 30. After the decision to strip 11 million pensioners of the £2-300 winter fuel payment concerns were raised that Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves could consider bus passes too.

Appearing on Good Morning Britain today Transport Secretary Louise Haigh was questioned by hosts Ed Balls and Susanna Reid on the issue. Susanna said that the previous day GMB had hosted two angry OAPs who are taking the government to court over the decision to cut the winter fuel allowance.

Ed Balls said: “Two pensioners on the programme yesterday. Very upset as many of our viewers are about the removal of the winter fuel allowance from lots of pensioners. There were three benefits which went to all pensioners 10 years ago. Free TV licences which George Osborne took away by the BBC. The winter fuel allowance which Rachel Reeves is now taking away from many pensioners and free bus travel for all pensioners, which is your responsibility. Can you confirm for our viewers that while you’re the transport secretary, free bus travel will continue for all pensioners?”

Ms Haigh replied: “We have absolutely no plans to remove the concessionary bus travel for pensioners. It’s my job and absolutely my priority to reverse the last 40 years of decline in bus passenger numbers since we saw privatisation and deregulation in the 1980s. That’s why we’ve already extended London style powers to the rest of England so that every community can take back control of their bus services.

"And it’s my vision that everyone should enjoy the same kind of quality public transport that Londoners do because for too long outside London, in areas like I represent, they’ve experienced poor quality, poor, reliable and very poorly reliable bus services and that has driven people into their cars into taxis or frankly, being isolated and stuck at home.”

Mr Balls replied: “I think the concern our viewers will have is that if I ask you that question a month before the election, you’d have said that you had no plans to remove the winter fuel allowance. It wasn’t in the manifesto, and now it’s going for most pensioners. So I know there’s no plans. But more than that, while you’re Transport Secretary is free bus travel for all pensioners going to remain?”

The Transport Secretary said: “I will always work to protect bus passengers and bus fares. And I can absolutely assure your viewers that concessionary bus travel will remain OK.” Intensifying the questioning Susanna added: “So that because sometimes you hear we have no plans. That’s not on the table. We’re gonna wait for an announcement. We’ve heard all of those phrases through this interview, but you can confirm this morning to our viewers that pensioners will hang on to their free bus pass.”

Ms Haigh said: “Yes.” Ed Balls added: “Brilliant. Throughout this parliament?” Ms Haigh said: “Well, look, I can’t confirm that I’ll be Transport Secretary through this parliament, so I don’t think that’s fair to me. I can confirm to you that I will I will protect the concessionary bus travel.”