EDITORIAL: Board of Regents District 12 endorsement

by · Las Vegas Review-Journal

The Board of Regents oversees the state’s universities and colleges. Balancing the competing interests within the Nevada System of Higher Education is a difficult, but vital task.

Regents Chair Amy Carvalho seeks re-election in District 12. She graduated from UNLV and was a business owner. She opposes Question 1 because it would take power away from the board. Funding remains a challenge for the system, she said. After a fellow regent questioned transgender orthodoxy, she released a passive-aggressive statement condemning him. She expressed less concern about the UNLV protesters who shut down the guest lecture by the Israeli professor.

Jonathan Maxham is challenging Ms. Carvalho. He’s a physician who previously served in the Air Force. He understands how free speech works. “You can voice your opinion,” he said, but that doesn’t allow you to “infringe on the rights of others” by shouting down those with whom you disagree. He opposes affirmative action and biological men competing in women’s sports.

Jonathan Maxham is the best choice in District 12.