How to get a Dragonbone Relic in Monster Hunter Wilds

· PC Gamer

Collecting a Dragonbone Relic is one of the many tasks you'll find yourself performing when you arrive at High Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds. This rare crafting material is one of the components you need to upgrade your Bone weapon to its highest rarity, so it's worth gathering if that's one of the trees you're running or plan to craft in future.

As with many other materials, this is one that is purely available in High Rank, so it won't crop up in any upgrades until you find yourself facing the higher difficulty. If you'd rather track it down straight away and not go through the effort of looking for it yourself, here's where to find a Dragonbone Relic in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Monster Hunter Wilds Dragonbone Relic location

(Image credit: Capcom)

You can get a Dragonbone Relic from any bone pile in high rank. Simple, huh? Any bonepile at all will work, you just have to make sure you've completed the main story of Monster Hunter Wilds as well as that little epilogue mission where you hunt the Yian Kut-Ku.

The only tricky part about getting Dragonbone Relics is that they are a very rare drop, meaning you'll have to grind out bonepiles until one appears—you'll know when it does because your hunter will do that classic rare item animation where they hold it up in the air.

Sadly, there's no particular advantage between bone piles in different regions since they all have the same number of bones available in High Rank. They give Quality Bone, a unique regional bone, and then also have a small chance of giving you one of these Dragonbone Relics. You could potentially reset nodes by resting in your tent, but honestly it'll just be faster to farm through each region's bone piles until one appears.

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