How to get Ancient Wyvern Coins in Monster Hunter Wilds

· PC Gamer

Finding Ancient Wyvern Coins in Monster Hunter Wilds becomes of increasing importance as you move into High Rank and realise just how much stuff you can buy with them through the Item Trade mechanic. One trader in-particular—Gawdygog in Scarlet Forest's Wudwud Hideout—will sell all sorts of items for these coins, including some that you can only get from other traders that unlock new secret armor sets.

Secret armor sets?? Yes, our other guide explains how to get all 11 of them and the items you need, but it'll make your life easier if you don't have to wait for a random trader's inventory to change and can instead snag said item from Gawdygog. So, here are all of the ways you can get Ancient Wyvern Coins in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Also, quick tip: Don't spend your Ancient Wyvern Coins until you get to High Rank, since this is when the items you need for those armor sets first become available.

Catch Curioshell Crabs

(Image credit: Capcom)

Your first method of getting coins is by catching a Curioshell Crab with your capture net. You'll first get this from the Endemic Life research quests you can undertake for Dareel in the Windward Plains Base Camp after you defeat the Alpha Doshaguma. You'll know when a Curioshell Crabs is nearby because Alma will say "Look! That creature seems to be holding something". Scan around to spot a crab clutching a coin and blast it with your capture net. The first you're likely to find is between area 14 and 15 in the underground section of the Windward Plains. If you can't be bothered catch them, you can also straight up kill Curioshell Crabs.

Smash pillars and rocks

(Image credit: Capcom)

Not just any pillars, mind you. Certain of the big pillars and rock structures that monsters can smash—or you can pull down—contain Ancient Wyvern Coins. Who knows how they got in there. These may spawn randomly, but the two I've found are located in the pillar in area 15 where you fight the Balahara. It'll climb onto this pillar to spit at you but it can be pulled down and smashed, sometimes containing a coin. The other is in area 5 where you might end up fighting Rey Dau. If you mount a monster there it'll headbutt a pillar, smashing it. One of these pillars contains an Ancient Wyvern Coin.

Trade for them

(Image credit: Capcom)

After you arrive in the Iceshard Cliffs area and unlock trading with Rove—the strange Wudwud mystic who lives there—you can sometimes trade items with him for Ancient Wyvern Coins. Once you arrive in High Rank, Nata will act as your trade hub, so you won't have to keep carting your ass back to cliffs every time you want to see what Rove has on offer.

Complete certain quests

(Image credit: Capcom)

There are a couple of quests in-particular that'll give you lots of Ancient Wyvern Coins, both "Aberrant Atrocity" and "What we Protect". The first quest is available from Rove in the Iceshard Cliffs once you reach HR 15 in High Rank and complete the urgent mission. Rove asks you to take out a Yian Kut-Ku and gives you five coins for your trouble. The second quest unlocks after you complete the HR 20 priority mission. For this quest you talk to Alma at your tent and she asks you to hunt a Blanconga. Doing so gets you a whopping ten coins, plus it unlocks the Artian armor set for crafting as a bonus.

Straight up find them

(Image credit: Capcom)

You can also find Ancient Wyvern Coins lying on the ground in certain parts of the map, but it's worth mentioning this didn't start happening for me until I reached High Rank. These spawn locations aren't consistent, but if you find one and you're really desperate for coins, you can change time at your tent and the coin will respawn again a few times Two of the potential coin locations I found were in the bottom of the pit in area 9 of the Oilwell Basin, and another on the other side of the diving section in area 8's underground lake in the Scarlet Forest.