Scott Bennie, from Don's Costume Shop and Make Up shop walks in front of the store located on Centre St. N. and 15th Ave. N.W. in Calgary on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024. The well-known shop is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Jim Wells/Postmedia

Calgary's iconic Don's Hobby Shop celebrates 75 years in business

Don's Costume Shop and Makeup Shop — located at 1515 Centre St. N.W. — is hosting a party on Saturday to celebrate the anniversary milestone

by · Calgary Herald

Don Spicer started Don’s Costume Shop and Makeup Shop, known colloquially as Don’s Hobby Shop, in downtown Calgary in 1949. The shop quickly became a staple in Calgary’s downtown.

In the mid-70s, Spicer hired an accountant, Sandy Bennie.

After about 30 years of working together, Sandy facilitated an introduction between his son, Scott Bennie, and Spicer. Spicer was preparing to retire, and Scott had expressed an interest in running a small business. Collectively, they decided that Scott would take over the store.