17 Wild Screenshots Of The Most Outrageous Demands Entitled Brides Made For Their Wedding

by · BuzzFeed

1. This bride who's asking for thousands of dollars worth of things for her wedding for ~free~:

u/Routine_Log8315 / Via reddit.com

2. This bride who has a list of demands for people to ~secure their spot~ in her wedding party — including signing a contract:

u/whyeventrymore / Via reddit.com

3. This bride's list of wedding day rules (sent by a wedding coordinator), which includes not speaking to the bride ~at all~ and buying a gift that's $75 or more:

u/mariusionicajr / Via reddit.com

4. This bride who asked a stranger — she's only met once — to be her bridesmaid just because she buys expensive gifts:

u/NothappyJane / Via reddit.com
u/NothappyJane / Via reddit.com
u/NothappyJane / Via reddit.com

5. This bride who's charging people $1,000 to be in the wedding party:

u/MotherofChins / Via reddit.com

6. This bride who's looking for an affordable DJ for "HER DAY":

u/navyscrewdriver / Via reddit.com

7. This bride who wants their caterers to work for free AND buy expensive new clothes for the wedding:

u/Caa3098 / Via reddit.com

8. This bride who wants a coworker to complete multiple art pieces for her wedding on short notice — then gets mad when it's declined:

u/TimmyWananaka / Via reddit.com
u/TimmyWananaka / Via reddit.com
u/TimmyWananaka / Via reddit.com

9. And this bride who expects her bridesmaids to spend a whopping $2,000 on wedding activities:

u/Gingrpenguin / Via reddit.com

10. This bride's gift registry — which includes designer clothes, a new car, and new floor tiles for her entire house:

u/DexOrangeCounty / Via reddit.com

11. This bride who tried to get a makeup artist to reduce their prices by HALF — and pay for their own travel expenses:

u/ireallylikeskittles / Via reddit.com
u/ireallylikeskittles / Via reddit.com

12. This bride who literally canceled her wedding because guests didn't pay for it:

u/Re-l-Mayer / Via reddit.com

13. This bride who's charging guests $75 per plate:

u/Ldeezy / Via reddit.com
u/Ldeezy / Via reddit.com
u/Ldeezy / Via reddit.com

14. This bride who wants guests to donate $30K for the wedding:

u/protoss12345 / Via reddit.com

15. This bride who wants her single friend to pay $700 to stay in a guest house, cook meals for everyone, and sleep on a couch:

u/mellybee222 / Via reddit.com
u/mellybee222 / Via reddit.com

16. This bride who wants the photographer to give a discount — and take photos in another photographer's style:

u/moonage-day-dream-6 / Via reddit.com
u/moonage-day-dream-6 / Via reddit.com

17. And finally, this bride who has an endless list of demands for a cheap photographer/videographer:

u/handovertheasparagus / Via reddit.com

H/T: r/ChoosingBeggars