21 Awful, Cheap, And Entitled Customers Who Should Be Banned From All Restaurants IMMEDIATELY

by · BuzzFeed

1. This person who left a $0.001 tip:

u/Setrix- / Via reddit.com


u/Setrix- / Via reddit.com

2. This groom at a wedding who was upset with how things were going and, you know, smashed the kitchen door:

u/Justarandomperson556 / Via reddit.com

3. These parents who let their child do this at a restaurant and then left the mess behind:

mrpetrolbomb / Via reddit.com

4. This creepy customer who was three times the age of a server yet gave them a HUG and left a note to "keep in touch if you'd like":

u/juniperbutterfly / Via reddit.com

5. This customer who just stole the server's pen and gave them two random pens in exchange:

u/5rianna / Via reddit.com

The note says: "I took your green pen but left you with 2 in place! Thanks!"

6. This lovely customer who refused to leave a tip because the server was wearing a mask:

u/Flaurean / Via reddit.com

The note says: "No TIP given due to: Server wearing mask. This makes for a HORRIBLE dining experience. Please STOP having servers wearing masks. It's disgusting and disrespectful!"

7. This DoorDash customer who made all these modifications in the "Special Instructions" section that they expected to get FOR FREE — including an unopened bottle of hot sauce...

u/Less_Recognition_990 / Via reddit.com

...three blue cheeses, a medium salad, FOUR extra sides of croutons, FOUR Ranch dressing packets, and a FULL side order of grilled radishes...

u/Less_Recognition_990 / Via reddit.com

...TEN full side cups of mayo, extra packs of salt, extra silverware, and a "nice thick BIG STACK of napkins":

u/Less_Recognition_990 / Via reddit.com

8. This terrible customer who thought leaving this was acceptable:

ReubenMered / Via reddit.com

9. This mom who left her baby's DIRTY DIAPER on the TABLE:

quarterslicecomics / Via reddit.com

10. This customer who just couldn't use the trash can...despite sitting right next to it:

Kahlinnnnnnnnn / Via reddit.com

11. This customer who left a petty note...and yep, no tip:

warlockofsortz / Via reddit.com

12. These parents who left this mess — including a broken plate — that a restaurant host had to clean up:

_Monika- / Via reddit.com

13. This customer — who apparently was "demanding" — left this note instead of a tip:

Lockraemono / Via reddit.com

It reads: "Sorry I'm a college student and I'm broke."

14. These Wendy's customers who trashed their table for the employees to clean up:

bonefidescrewup / Via reddit.com

15. This group who asked for 32 separate checks:

Beanergriffin / Via reddit.com

16. This awful customer who gave the bartender no tip and left this message on the receipt:

Brackwell / Via reddit.com

17. This customer who left this note on the receipt:

assylilpeach / Via reddit.com

It says: "Would you have any interest in joining me in my room? 1106."

18. These parents who *also* don't clean up after their kids:

Panfilofinomeno / Via reddit.com

19. This customer who thought it'd be cute to add a little love instead of tipping the server:

chasekopsch / Via reddit.com

20. This customer who refused to eat her fully-cooked chicken because it was "pretty much raw":

dizz12505 / Via reddit.com

21. And finally, this customer who left fake money for a tip:

thebrokenwindow / Via reddit.com


thebrokenwindow / Via reddit.com