Short Interest in Embraer S.A. (NYSE:ERJ) Declines By 7.5%

by · The Markets Daily

Embraer S.A. (NYSE:ERJGet Free Report) saw a large decline in short interest in October. As of October 15th, there was short interest totalling 5,420,000 shares, a decline of 7.5% from the September 30th total of 5,860,000 shares. Based on an average daily volume of 1,520,000 shares, the short-interest ratio is currently 3.6 days. Approximately 3.0% of the shares of the stock are sold short.

Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth

Several equities research analysts recently commented on the stock. lowered shares of Embraer from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Tuesday, July 23rd. Bank of America reissued a “buy” rating and issued a $40.00 target price on shares of Embraer in a research note on Tuesday, September 17th. Finally, TD Cowen upgraded Embraer from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating and upped their price target for the stock from $26.00 to $41.00 in a report on Wednesday, September 4th. Three research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and five have assigned a buy rating to the company. Based on data from, Embraer currently has a consensus rating of “Moderate Buy” and a consensus price target of $34.86.

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Institutional Investors Weigh In On Embraer

Several large investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in ERJ. PNC Financial Services Group Inc. acquired a new stake in Embraer in the fourth quarter worth $30,000. Sunbelt Securities Inc. acquired a new position in shares of Embraer during the second quarter valued at $41,000. Thurston Springer Miller Herd & Titak Inc. acquired a new position in shares of Embraer during the second quarter valued at $44,000. Ashton Thomas Private Wealth LLC acquired a new position in shares of Embraer during the second quarter valued at $55,000. Finally, Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co. increased its holdings in shares of Embraer by 25.0% during the second quarter. Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Co. now owns 2,280 shares of the aerospace company’s stock valued at $59,000 after purchasing an additional 456 shares during the period. 34.65% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

Embraer Stock Performance

Shares of ERJ stock traded down $0.16 on Friday, hitting $33.36. 852,172 shares of the stock traded hands, compared to its average volume of 1,618,796. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.81, a quick ratio of 0.66 and a current ratio of 1.50. Embraer has a 1-year low of $14.43 and a 1-year high of $37.30. The company’s fifty day moving average is $34.44 and its 200 day moving average is $30.40.

Embraer (NYSE:ERJGet Free Report) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, August 8th. The aerospace company reported $0.44 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.24 by $0.20. The business had revenue of $1.49 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $1.44 billion. Embraer had a return on equity of 5.94% and a net margin of 6.76%. The business’s revenue was up 15.6% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same period in the prior year, the company posted $0.32 EPS. As a group, research analysts anticipate that Embraer will post 1.6 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

About Embraer

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Embraer SA designs, develops, manufactures, and sells aircraft and systems in North America, Latin America, the Asia Pacific, Brazil, Europe, and internationally. The company operates through Commercial Aviation; Defense & Security; Executive Aviation; Services & Support; and Other segments. The Commercial Aviation segment designs, develops, manufactures, and sells commercial jets, as well as leases aircraft.

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