Cyberloq Technologies (NASDAQ:CLOQ) Stock Price Down 4.1% – Here’s Why

by · The Markets Daily

Cyberloq Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ:CLOQGet Free Report) was down 4.1% on Thursday . The stock traded as low as $0.30 and last traded at $0.30. Approximately 1,475 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 91% from the average daily volume of 16,803 shares. The stock had previously closed at $0.31.

Cyberloq Technologies Stock Performance

The business’s 50-day moving average price is $0.25 and its 200 day moving average price is $0.19.

Cyberloq Technologies Company Profile

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Cyberloq Technologies, Inc, a development-stage technology company, focuses on fraud prevention and credit management in the United States. It provides CyberloQ, a banking fraud prevention technology for institutional clients to combat fraudulent transactions and unauthorized access to customer accounts; and TurnScor, a web-based proprietary software platform, which allows customers to monitor and manage their credit from the privacy of their own homes, as well as CyberloQ Vault, a cloud based security protocol that allows clients the ability to send/receive secure data without having to use traditional email that is prone to a breach.

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