Live: Simchas Beis Hashoeiva in Crown Heights

Simchas Beis Hashoeva Night one – Motzei Shabbos will feature guest singer Joey Newcomb, as well as Eli Marcus, Mendy Shapiro, Mendy Kraus, and Yossi Cohen, beginning at 10 PM.

by · COLlive

The annual Simchas Beis Hashoeiva celebration which takes place in the streets of Crown Heights is expected to be bigger than ever this year.

Longtime organizer Rabbi Yisroel Shemtov, who has been arranging and funding the celebration for over 40 years, has once again ensured a nightly celebration over Chol Hamoed, featuring the biggest stars in Jewish music.

Simchas Beis Hashoeiva draws tens of thousands of Jews of all walks of life to Crown Heights each night of Chol Hamoed Sukkos. This year, new guidelines have been implemented for security by the Simchas Beis Hashoeiva organizers.

Night one – Motzei Shabbos will feature guest singer Joey Newcomb, as well as Eli Marcus, Mendy Shapiro, Mendy Kraus, and Yossi Cohen, beginning at 10 PM.

Be a part of the celebration! Click here to donate now!


לע״נ איטא בת חנוך אהרן
לע״נ מרת מרים ע״ה מינץ בת יבדלחט״א ר׳ גרשון פנחס שליט״א
לרפואה שלימה של יהושע יוסף בן ניזמה כוכבה ומזל בת מרים
Bais Shmuel Chabad
Tzfasman Jewelers
Eagle Prep
Yossi Cohen Music
Machon Stam
Everything But the Baby
MASK parents
Raskin’s Fish
Go Forward Services
Interborough Development and Consultation Center

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