Women Mark Chai Elul in Ramat Beit Shemesh

In the midst of escalating tensions in the war against Hamas and Hezbollah, the ladies of Anglo N’shei Chabad of Ramat Beit Shemesh gathered together on Sunday night to celebrate Chai Elul.

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In the midst of escalating tensions in the war against Hamas and Hezbollah, the ladies of Anglo N’shei Chabad of Ramat Beit Shemesh gathered together on Sunday night to celebrate Chai Elul at the home of Mrs. Chana Grossman. The evening was graciously sponsored by Rabbi Elchonon and Mrs. Nechama Cohen l’illuy nishmas the first yartzheit of Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Vorst obm, Head Shliach in Holland.

After the Rebbe’s Kapital and Tehillim for the hostages, the wounded and the IDF were recited, Mrs. Cohen held the audience’s attention with descriptions of her late father’s incredible accomplishments, citing his complete devotion to the Rebbe and illustrating Rabbi Vorst’s ability to meet every Jew on his or her level. It was clear from her words that his loss to Dutch Jewry is huge.

As the audience enjoyed sushi, salads and other refreshments, they heard from three of Ramat Beit Shemesh’s most accomplished educators: Rebbetzin Chani Yarchi, Mrs. Chaya Belinow and Mrs. Chava Sokol. Each speaker connected the concept of Teshuva and its seemingly contradictory theme of positivity in the days leading up to Tishrei with lessons from the Baal Shem-Tov and the Alter Rebbe. The common theme was that we take heed of the essence of our forefathers and the Rebbe’s dictum to “live with the times” and turn our pain over the current matsuv here in Eretz Yisrael to joy, which will ultimately lead to the Geulah. The stories they shared inspired us to make Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur more meaningful and that consequently, our Teshuva will be recognized On High.

A lively open discussion followed and the evening ended with Mrs. Sokol enthusiastically leading in singing niggunim and bentching each other for smachot and good times in the coming year. May 5785 bring peace to Eretz Yisrael and the ultimate Geulah b’karov mamash, Amayn.

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