Here’s How Important it is to Support Torah Learning

A woman once wrote to the Rebbe seeking guidance on where to donate—towards a Sefer Torah or the construction of a new shul. The Rebbe’s response was illuminating...

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A woman once wrote to the Rebbe seeking guidance on where to donate—towards a Sefer Torah or the construction of a new shul. The Rebbe’s response was illuminating: there is an even greater cause—supporting a young man learning Torah.

At Kollel L’horaah Ma’asis, dozens of yungelite immerse themselves in Torah with the aspiration to understand Halacha L’maaseh. Their goal: becoming the future Rabbanim of the Crown Heights community and beyond. Kollel L’horaah Ma’asis is dedicated to cultivating the next generation of Rabbanim by offering a focused and curriculum-driven environment for learning. However, with a profound commitment to Limmud HaTorah, comes the challenge of funding a significant budget.

In his response to the woman, the Rebbe concluded with a timeless reminder: it is fitting to give tzedakah before lighting candles for Shabbos and Yom Tov.

Today is the birthday of the founder of the Kolel, Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald, who has given his heart and soul to creating this center of learning which is training the next generation of leaders. In his merit, we turn to you for your vital support. We need another $145,000 to fund the Kollel’s budget!

If 200 generous individuals can contribute just $2 a day— $700 for the year— we will be able to cover this deficit and sustain the Torah learning of our future Rabbanim.

Can you step forward to make this happen? Be one of the 200 supporters to give $2 a day! (That’s less than your daily coffee!)

Please open your heart to this essential initiative and partner with us in supporting Limmud HaTorah.

May your tzedakah bring tremendous brachos for the year ahead!

Click here to donate now!

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