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Help Stop a Family From Being Evicted

A local family of six is facing eviction, and your help is much needed. The father does his best to provide for his six young children, but his business dealings soured, and he has fallen on hard times.

by · COLlive

A local family of six is facing eviction, and your help is much needed. The father does his best to provide for his six young children, but his business dealings soured, and he has fallen on hard times.

He now owes his partners substantial sums of money, his debt accumulated, and now he is six months behind in rent payments. The parents are scrambling to feed their eight young children, and now the landlord is threatening eviction.

Please click here to help the family survive, and get on their feet again. Your tzedakah for aniyei ircha is a tremendous mitzvah.

Message from the father: “Things are very difficult for me and my family at the moment, I tried the right way, but right now unfortunately I have to come down to asking for funds to stay in my home with my family, anything is appreciated. I know other people are struggling too, thank you and תזכה למצוות.”

Righteous Helping is a non-for-profit 501(c)(3) federally tax-exempt charitable organization. (Tax ID: 92-3827720)

The Righteous Helping Committee Rabbi Shlomo Segal, Mrs Devorah Scheiner, Zalmen Hertz

Click here to donate now

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