A general view of a Job Centre Plus sign (Image: Philip Toscano/PA Wire)

'I'm unfit to work and spend my benefit money on PS4 games, takeaways and singing lessons'

by · Birmingham Live

A benefit recipient has asked whether they should be 'ashamed' of themselves after revealing they spend their ESA money on luxuries. Taking to Reddit, they revealed that they are unable to work due to mental illnesses.

Despite this, they are seeking out voluntary roles as they want to "get somewhere in life." The person wrote that they spend the cash they receive on luxuries such as takeaways and video games.

They shared a post on Reddit saying: "I get takeaways once or twice a week, I recently bought some new PS4 games (first time in ages though), haven't bought new clothes in a while (apart from a woolly hat recently as I lost my old one), I go to singing lessons once a week which are paid, and used to ride horses once a week too (before starting singing but thinking of taking it up again) and thinking of joining a gym too to maybe keep fit and meet new people."

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The person added: "I was told tonight that I should be ashamed of myself tonight because my mum and I go on holidays every few years. I don't pay for the holidays myself because I feel bad as it's benefit money, my mum pays for them, she works, and I still live with her. I'm reluctant to spend benefit money on new hobbies because I'm unfit for paid work right now and therefore not earning my own money.

"There are so many people who believe that benefits should only be spent on essentials and I feel so bad because I probably get more than working people do a month on benefits due to mental illnesses which render me unfit for proper work right now. So what do you guys think?"

In response, many other Reddit users urged the person not to feel bad about their spending habits. One person wrote: "No, you absolutely should not feel ashamed and eff anyone who says you should.

"You use your money on things that make you happy and make your life more bearable .. it’s easy for people to cast judgment when they aren’t walking in your shoes. You were awarded that money for a reason and how you spend it is sod all to do with anyone else."

A second said: "I know it can be easy to think this way when it's mental health setting you back because those challenges are not visible. But ask yourself, would you expect a physically disabled person who couldn't work to never buy any "luxuries" with their benefits money?

"Should they never buy new clothes, play video games, travel when they're able to? Of course not! Just because the conditions are mental and not physical doesn't mean the criteria for living a decent life should be any different for you."

A third added: "I go through the same argument with myself every few months, but what really helps me is allocating a set amount of my monthly benefits to go on luxuries and to treat myself, it really helps me not feel ashamed to do so."

Birmingham: A Child Poverty Emergency

Child poverty is soaring in Birmingham and without urgent change, will only get worse. Having worked with charities and community groups, BirminghamLive is campaigning for the following changes to start to turn the tide:

  1. End the two-child benefit cap
  2. Provide free school meals to every child in poverty
  3. Create a city “aid bank” for baby and child essentials
  4. Protect children’s and youth services
  5. Create permanent, multi year Household Support Fund and give more Discretionary Housing grants
  6. Set up child health and wellbeing hubs in our most deprived neighbourhoods
  7. Appoint a Birmingham child poverty tsar
  8. Provide free public travel for young people

You can see why in more detail here.

Read our full report Birmingham: A Child Poverty Emergency here.

What you can do to help.