People Who Have Taken A DNA Test And Discovered Shocking Family Secrets, We Want To Hear Your Story

by · BuzzFeed

At one point or another, everyone has considered taking a DNA test! Maybe a person wants to find out which side passed down their unique physical traits or which countries their ancestors were from? Sometimes, the DNA test is even a holiday or birthday gift meant to be a fun bonding experience for the whole family that quickly goes awry...

Peter Dazeley / Getty Images

What can be a fun look into one's genetic history can sometimes turn a family's whole world upside down. Whether it is long-hidden secrets from centuries ago or more recent deception by parents and grandparents, DNA tests can provide shocking revelations that alter a person's entire view of themselves, the past, and their family.

Yuichiro Chino / Getty Images

Maybe you took a DNA test and discovered that one or both of the people you believed to be your parent(s) weren't related to you? Or perhaps you found out that another family member, such as an older "sibling," was your biological parent?

Shanina / Getty Images

Maybe you discovered that your sibling was truly your half-sibling? Or perhaps you found multiple siblings you weren't even aware of?

mapodile via Getty Images

Maybe you discovered that a parent or grandparent had an affair back in the day or even an entire second family?

Elizabeth Fernandez / Getty Images

Or perhaps you discovered that everything your family had previously believed about their true lineage and history was a lie?

mashabuba via Getty Images

No matter what you found out, we want to hear your story! Which is why I'm asking people: What shocking or scandalous family secrets did you discover after taking a DNA test? Let us know in the comments! (Or, if you prefer to stay anonymous, you can answer using this Google Form.) Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!