The Celebs You Associate With These Popular Names Will Determine How Old You Are

by · BuzzFeed

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No matter how objectively successful a celebrity is, they likely feel more "famous" to one person than another. For example, as a Gen Z/Millenial cusper, to me, Charli XCX feels like a huge star, but my older relatives couldn't pick her out of a lineup. On the flip side, Oscar-winning acting legend Al Pacino could walk past me in the street, and I wouldn't know a thing.

Danielle Del Valle / Getty Images for The Recording Academy, Rodin Eckenroth / Getty Images

Just like different celebs are more popular with some generations than others, name trends come and go. However, some names stick around longer than others. In this quiz, I'll show several celebs who share a popular name, and you'll click on the person you most associate with it — i.e., the one who feels the most famous to you.

Also, not all of the celebs with the same name spell their names the same way (ie Sara vs. Sarah), but you should choose based off the name itself, regardless of spelling.