Share Your "The One Who Got Away" Stories Here

by · BuzzFeed

At some point, we've all heard the phrase "the one who got away," maybe among the people in our lives, including our grandparents, friends, and even ex-partners.

Fox / Via

Even movies and TV shows really know how to tug at our heartstrings with this unverisal experience.

Lionsgate / Via

It's safe to say so many people go through this heartbreaking moment in their lives, and if that's you, we want to hear your story.

TLC / Via

Maybe you were too afraid to express your true feelings, and before you knew it, it was too late...

FX / Hulu / Via

Maybe you were in a relationship with someone else but always wondered what if...

TV Land / Paramount+ / Hulu / Via

Maybe it was a case of the right person at the wrong time...

MTV / Paramount+ / Via

We want to hear your stories. Share your experiences in the comments below, and your responses could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post. Or, if you prefer anonymity, you can submit your story through this Google Form.