Emodeji jailbreak tweak replaces the Camera app's shooting mode names with Emojis

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Emodeji jailbreak tweak replaces the Camera app’s shooting mode names with Emojis

Anthony Bouchard ∙ September 19, 2024

In addition to the recently released CameraModes jailbreak tweak that iOS developer PoomSmart recently released for controlling which shooting modes do and don’t appear in your device’s native Camera app, the developer has also released a new and free jailbreak tweak called EModeji that replaces the names of your Camera app’s shooting modes with Emojis.

As you can see in the screenshot example above, the tweak is very simple in its cause. It replaces the names of the photograph capturing and video recording modes in the Camera app with relevant Emojis. These are unfortunately non-customizable, but that’s not a huge deal because you want the Emoji to accurately depict what each mode does, otherwise it just becomes too cryptic.

Currently, each mode carries the following Emoji, post-installation:

  • Time-Lapse → ⏳
  • Slo-Mo → 🐢
  • Cinematic → 🎬
  • Video → 📹
  • Photo → 🖼️
  • Portrait → 🤳🏼
  • Pano →  🎞️

As you can see, Time-Lapse changes to an hourglass, Slo-Mo changes to a turtle, Cinematic changes to an editor’s clapperboard, Video changes to a camcorder, Photo changes to a picture frame, Portrait changes to a selfie arm, and Pano changes to a film reel.

EModeji doesn’t come with any options to configure, so what you see is ultimately what you get. That said, it’s possible that the developer may add options to configure those Emojis in a future update, but this isn’t confirmed nor is it guaranteed.

If you’re interested in giving EModeji a try, then you can download it for free from PoomSmart’s personal repository via your favorite package manager app. The tweak has been tested on a jailbroken iOS 16 device running the Dopamine jailbreak, so we can confirm it’s fully compatible with the rootless environment.

Not using PoomSmart’s repository yet? You can add it to your package manager app by using the URL provided below:


Are you going to be making use of the EModeji jailbreak tweak? Tell us why or why not in the comments section down below.

Tags Camera Emoji Jailbreak Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks News Photography Review