NSCN/GPRN (Khango) orders immediate cessation of ‘illegal activities’

· Nagaland Page

DIMAPUR, SEPTEMBER 28: Following numerous complaints from the general public and various CSOs regarding late night operation of night club, pubs, lounges, restaurants, hotels, discotheques, bootlegging and related immoral activities within Dimapur, the Kilo (Home) Ministry of NSCN/GPRN (Khango) has ordered immediate cessation of such illegal activities and directed those establishments to open till 10 p.m. only, in the larger interest of the common people.

The NSCN (Khango) said it is dismayed over the State Government and State security forces/agencies’ lackadaisical attitude, which turn deaf ear and blind eye on such illegal activities, thus failing to control all these activities.

The NSCN/ GPRN (K) expressed deep concern over the presence of underage (minor) boys and girls especially students in uniforms in such establishments involved in immoral activities. The NSCN/ GRPN (K) said it would monitor regularly against the aforementioned activities and sought for co-operation from all concerned.

The NSCN/ GPRN (K) Kilo Ministry has also notified a total ban on sale and bursting of all types of firecrackers in and around Dimapur during this festive season with immediate effect. The decision of banning was imposed after taking serious note of harmful effects of firecrackers, which causes air contaminated, health hazard and noise pollution which can increase the impact of pre-existing problems and disorder of patients related to the heart, cancer, respirator and nervous systems and could lead to the worldwide pandemic of Coronavirus and monkey pox diseases and other related outbreak diseases in the mainland India, it stated adding it also causes disturbance to students whose final examination are approaching.

Failure to abide by its directive, the NSCN/ GPRN (K) would initiate stern action against the defaulters without any hesitation as envisaged in the Yehzabo to combat unethical practices and to curb the anti-social activities in the entire Naga inhabited areas, a press release issued by the MIP stated.

(Page News Service)