Bhundu Boys founder Rise Kagona to be buried in Zimbabwe after Go Fund Me

Virtuoso lead guitarist and Bhundu Boys founder Rise Kagona who died in Scotland recently is likely to be buried in Zimbabwe.

· Nehanda Radio

The Government of Zimbabwe, the relevant ministry, officials and relevant departments have remained deafeningly silent after the death of one of Zimbabwe’s most prominent global music ambassadors.

The international community led Go Fund Me efforts to repatriate and bury the Zimbabwean expatriate who led the famous 5 man Bhundu Boys who conquered the world with the music.

While it’s been said: “Success has many fathers and failure is an orphan” Kagona who died after losing their investment in the band due to bad management, will now be buried in his adopted home in Zimbabwe courtesy of £10,000 donated via Go Fund me.

Notable names like Elvis Costello led the donations. Costello sang “She” the theme song for the movie “Notting Hill” which featured Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant. Costello is also a guitarist apart from being a Lead singer.

A statement released on Rise Kagona’s pages read: “We’d like to thank everyone who has kindly donated to our GoFundMe – this has now raised £10K, which we hope will cover the costs of repatriation of Rise back home (these are still being finalised).”

“It has been a difficult few weeks for the family back home – as repatriating Rise turned out to be complex.

“Clever and Sandra (Rise’s first two children) eventually found the right person to help navigate this for them in Harare. Early indications from the Zimbabwean officials they’ve met is that it looks good that Rise can be repatriated.”

“Meanwhile, we are pleased now to have a date for Rise’s funeral in Edinburgh. So, you are most welcome join us to pay respects and say our goodbyes to dearly beloved Rise Kagona (please RSVP to Andy:”

Kagona’s funeral is set for Tuesday Oct 22 at 11.00 am, South Leith Parish Church Kirkgate, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 6AZ.

The funeral will be followed by a gathering at South Leith Parish Church Halls (until 3pm) 6 Henderson Street, Leith EH6 6BS.

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The statement said: “The funeral will be live-streamed as well – we’ll share a link when we get it.”

“Shortly after that, Rise will finally fly to Zimbabwe for a funeral there – he’ll be buried in a special place reserved for Legends!”

Despite the best efforts of Zimbabwean journalists Kagona largely refused to reveal details of the legacy of the Bhundu boys.

Admittedly what’s available online, even from interviews with Kagona himself, leaves a lot to be desired. The story needs to be retold one day.

Squabbles overshadowed their success story. The legacy of the band has not been highlighted sufficiently, despite some falling on hard times.

Kagona reportedly mentored musicians like Alick Macheso, among others. Macheso is Zimbabwe’s leading contemporary musician in the popular Sungura genre. Macheso, like Kagona also shares Malawian roots.

Bhundu Boys was formed by Kagona in 1980 and helped give independent Zimbabwe a new identity.

Their name celebrated the legacy of Zimbabwe’s war heroes in the same year the war ended. Bhundu Boys started in Mufakose suburb before a stint at Saratoga nightclub in Waterfalls with mentorship from leading artist Zex Manatsa.

Bhundu Boys became intrinsic to the identity of independent Zimbabwe.

Biggie Tembo, Rise Kagona, Kenny Chitsvatsa, David Mankaba and Shakespeare Kangwena travelled the depths of Zimbabwe and eventually the world playing in Zimbabwe’s tightest ever band whose music still appeals decades later.

It was a match made in heaven although occasional clashes resulted in the departure of popular frontman Biggie Tembo before the death of Mankaba and Kangwena. In just 4 years 3 members died (including a replacement) before Tembo commited suicide in 1995.

All weather friend Doug Veitch posted a link to an interview with BBC’s Andy Kershav in which Kagona discussed the end of Bhundu Boys. Kagona sang lead on the Biggie Tembo hit “Wafungeiko” on the same show and showed amazing control when handling the high notes.

Kagona was born in Malawi and came to Zimbabwe as an infant where he grew up. He is survived by 3 children including Christian who has followed his footsteps and is now a musician.

Considering Bhundu Boys ambassadorial role it is fitting that Kagona will likely be buried in Zimbabwe. Hopefully the Zimbabwean government and it’s affiliates will take over and show more leadership in burying the undoubted talent.