American Express reveals Australian holiday trends

by · TTG asia

American Express has released an Amex Trendex on shopping, travel and entertainment trends shaping the upcoming holiday season.

The global index is based on a survey of consumers from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, the UK, and the US, which showed that regardless of who the holidays are spent with, the festive spirit is alive with plans for travel, special activities and gift giving.

Me-cations are gaining popularity among Australian adults who wish to focus on themselves

According to the Amex Trendex, 68% of Australian adults travelling this holiday season are doing so to visit family. Me-cations are also popular for Australian, with over half of the Australian adults surveyed (59%) travelling to focus on themselves. This increases to 60% among Gen Z and 67% among millennials.

Additionally, 58% of Australians plan to travel with family, 42% with their partner or significant other, and 22% with friends.

While me-cations are one of the top items on Australians’ holiday wish lists, almost one-third (30%) of Australians plan to host a holiday party or gathering this year, which increases to 33% among the Gen Z age group.

Furthermore, Australians are planning to spend more on travel (38%), hosting (25%), entertainment or experiences (21%), and gift shopping (17%) this holiday season compared to 2023. In fact, 74% agree they would rather share a fun experience or trip with friends than exchange gifts.

Among Australians gifting experiences this holiday season, top gifts include entertainment experiences such as concert tickets or sporting events (59%), F&B experiences such as a cooking class, wine class or dinner reservation (51%), and luxury experiences like spas or manicures (45%).

Corinne Ng, vice president and general manager of travel and lifestyle services, American Express APAC, said: “With less than 100 days until Christmas, Australians are embracing the spirit of giving this holiday season and prioritising meaningful moments. That could be gifting themselves time away, travelling to visit family, hosting events with friends and family, or taking the time to find a sentimental gift.”