MAZ, VMCZ holds annual media stakeholders conference


Image- InfoZimZw

The Media Alliance of Zimbabwe (MAZ) and Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) is today hosting the Annual Media Stakeholders Conference in Harare.

The Conference provides a platform to reflect on the progress and challenges experienced in the Media sector during the year.

VMCZ is a professional media self-regulatory body set up in 2007 by Zimbabwean journalists and other stakeholders in civil society who subscribe to the principles of media freedom, accountability, independence, and ethical journalism.

Its specific objectives include: To safeguard the independence and integrity of the media profession by ensuring effective and professional self-regulation in the print and broadcasting media; To promote high ethical and professional journalistic standards;
To serve as a medium of understanding and education between the public and the media; and To monitor media trends, course content, and ethics in media training institutions and to consult and offer advice and support to such institutions.

Meanwhile, MAZ is an alliance of media support organisations including the Media Monitoring Project Zimbabwe, Media Institute of Southern Africa (Zimbabwe chapter), Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ), Zimbabwe National Editors’ Forum (ZINEF), Gender and Media Connect (GMC), the Media Centre, the Zimbabwe Association of Community Radio Stations (ZACRAS), the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe (VMCZ) and the African Community Publishing Development Trust (ACPDT).
