Working out whose legs belong to whom is a tricky in this illusion

‘Baffling’ optical illusion of women sitting on a sofa has everyone confused

A picture of what appears to be six women sitting together on a sofa got the internet scratching its head again. People disputed whose legs belonged to whom in the image

by · The Mirror

A image of a woman sitting on a sofa has baffled everyone on social media.

Confusion surrounding optical illusions often deepens the more you look at more you look at them. One has emerged showing a picture of a tree in winter which also looked like a lion. People will stare at images trying to work out what is happening in the image or even what it actually is.

A picture of what appears to be six women sitting together on a sofa has got the internet scratching its head again. After a more detailed look you should be able to work out what is wrong with the picture. It's correct there are six women in the image but it appears as if there are only five pairs of legs in the snap.

The third woman also looks like she's just a body on first glance and has no legs, but a flurry of people on social media site Reddit have clashed over what they see and how to explain it. One person came up with an answer and said: "The first girl is sitting over the second girl’s legs." Another poster on the site agreed and added: "The second girl's legs are behind the first girl's legs."

Among other people who posted a response was one who had a more detailed explanation saying: "Number one has her legs crossed, no tear in the knee. Number two has only one leg visible, the tear is in her knee. Those legs are blending together. (Follow that tear down, there’s a split where there’s a sock on the right and not on the left. Number two has a tear in her knee and a visible white sock).”

More Reddit users gave weight to a girl in the image who was sitting second from the left. They said: "Her pants are the same colour, and almost blend. You can see the difference where there is a bit of sock/skin showing above the boot." Among other people who replied to the post was one person who said the number of legs in this picture "doesn't add up.",

The Mirror reported about another optical illusion, where people are challenged to spot the correct fruit in the image - and what you see reveals whether you're more 'naturally intelligent', or not. Created by UK-based online printing company instantprint, you have to concentrate your mind to find the hidden fruit amongst the lines and colours. According to instantprint, the fun optical illusion can teach you a lot about yourself, including your professional capabilities. The mind boggling illusions can be incredible fun and fascinating - but also tell us a lot about how our individual brains work.