Many book characters were cut from the movies

Hogwarts pupils and book characters who were cut from the movies

Not all characters from the books made the cut for the Harry Potter movies

by · The Mirror

Dozens of Harry Potter book characters and Hogwarts pupils unfortunately didn't make the cut for the movies.

Trying to condense down all of the characters within the Harry Potter books into two-hour movies would be a difficult task, but there are arguably some key people that were forgotten about. The films had limited screen time and as they went on, each book got longer and longer.

But according to CBR, which is a platform filled with comic industry news, there are some key characters that really should not have been left out of the films. Whether they ended up featuring for just a split second, or weren't even part of the movies before, here's the full list of characters that should have been included.

Anthony Goldstein

Anthony Goldstein was in the same year as Harry and eventually joined Dumbledore's Army.

Anthony was also a part of the rebellion in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and joined the students in the Battle of Hogwarts against the Death Eaters. While he wasn't close to Harry or his friends, his character showed intelligence, bravery, and great talent.

Despite his role as a Prefect, he didn't hesitate to join Dumbledore's Army and attended most of the meetings.

Theodore Nott

Theodore Nott was a Slytherin in Harry's year who was a bit of a loner. He wasn't particularly close to Draco, but he clearly shared the same values and in the books was said to laugh at his jokes.

Theodore's father was one of Voldemort's most lethal Death Eaters, and it seems that Theodore would have followed in his footsteps. He could also see Thestrals which links him to Harry and also Luna Lovegood.

Michael Corner

Michael Corner barely appears in any of the films even though he dated Ginny Weasley and Cho Chang. He is in two of the films, but he is never introduced so you'd never really know he was there.

Ryan Nelson portrayed him in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Jack Read played him in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. Ginny, however, broke up with him when he didn't take it well that Gryffindor beat Slytherin in Quidditch, as he was one of Ravenclaw's players.

Nonetheless, Michael was a part of Dumbledore's Army and fought in the Battle of Hogwarts, an important moment of bravery that the movies left aside.

Alicia Spinnet

Alicia Spinnet has very brief cameos in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

She was played by Leilah Sutherland and Rochelle Douglas but neither of these roles had any lines. CBR said the films failed to portray how great the character is. Alicia Spinnet was an outstanding Chaser in the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, and she showed great passion for the sport in the books.

She was also a couple of years older than Harry and good friends with Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, and the Weasley twins. She was also against pure-blood supremacy and was furious when Draco called Hermione a "mud-blood."

Marietta Edgecombe

Those who know the movies may recall that Harry's love interest Cho Chang told Umbridge about Dumbledore's army.

However, in the books it was actually Marietta Edgecombe, Cho's friend. Cho forced Mariette to join the army, but she was worried it would ruin her mother's reputation as she worked for the Ministry of Magic.

In the end, Marietter panics and confesses to Umbridge. Though in the films it's Cho who is villainized.

Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone( Image: IMDB)

Terry Boot

Terry Boot was in the Ravenclaw house and is also another student who joins Dumbledore's Army. He defended Harry against Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle at the end of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

While his parts in the book weren't big, they still could have been included in the films.

Millicent Bulstrode

Millicent Bulstrode is another character who wasn't a part of the movies. She's an antagonistic Slytherin, with great build and strength.

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, she fights against Hermione using physical force instead of her wand. She later becomes part of Dolores Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad and uses her powers to bully the other Hogwarts students.

Hannah Abbott

Hannah Abbott had a very small part to play in the movies but it should have been much bigger.

CBR argues that her character was too underdeveloped - she was a member of Dumbledore's Army, a fact that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix completely ignored, and the student not only fought but survived duels against Death Eaters.

She's also one of the most complex characters that isn't a part of Harry's inner circle.

Hannah turns against Harry twice, once when she thinks he's Slytherin's Heir and when she believes him to purposely steal Cedric Diggory's glory.

But she then defends him from Draco in the fifth instalment. In the sixth book, Hannah's mother is killed by Death Eaters, and she has to leave school, a sign of things getting truly dark for the members of the Wizarding World.

Ernest Macmillan

Ernest "Ernie" Macmillan is a Hufflepuff student known for his pompous and arrogant personality.

But he is an extremely loyal character.

He does have some tense moments with Harry but he is one of the only students who openly supports Harry when everyone else thinks he is lying about Voldemort's return.

Like with many of the other pupils listed above, he also joins Dumbledore's army but again wasn't recognised in the films.