Popack Donates Apartments to Host Tishrei Guests

Mr. Yosef Yitzchak Popack, a respected businessman and philanthropist, has graciously sponsored dozens of fully prepared, spacious apartments for visiting Bochurim this Tishrei.

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Over the past week and a half, hundreds of Bochurim from Eretz Yisroel have traveled to Crown Heights to spend Tishrei at the Rebbe’s court, a time filled with profound inspiration and connection. The Vaad Hatmimim has taken on the responsibility of caring for all their physical and spiritual needs during this special month. From providing clean, comfortable lodging and daily meals to organizing an extensive learning program with maggidei shiurim and mashgichim, inspiring farbrengens and much more the Vaad ensures the Bochurim have a meaningful and uplifting experience.

Mr. Yosef Yitzchak Popack, a respected businessman and philanthropist, has once again stepped up in an extraordinary way. Mr. Popack, who owns extensive property in Crown Heights, has graciously sponsored dozens of fully prepared, spacious apartments, providing the Bochurim with a clean and comfortable place to stay.

Each apartment provides ample storage for personal belongings, as well as a clean and comfortable living space, ensuring a pleasant and convenient stay for every Bochur. This generous act enables these young Chassidim to fully immerse themselves in the yeshiva atmosphere, and fuel their tanks of Hiskashrus to the Rebbe for the coming year.

“There has been much talk about there not being enough Hachnosas Orchim for the Tishrei guests,” said Rabbi Tzvi Altein, director of Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim. “The truth is that we are privileged to have a man like Reb Yosef Yitzchak Popack, who stands out as an extraordinary Machnis Orach and Baal Tzedakah, on an unparalleled level. His caring and giving for the Orchim is a lesson for all. May Hashem bless him in every way possible.”

The Vaad Hatmimim would also like to thank Zalman Lezell, Isaac Hager, and Yitzchok Benabou for their help in making more apartments available for the Tishrei guests. Thanks to their combined efforts, the Bochurim are provided with a home away from home, ensuring they can fully engage in the uplifting atmosphere of Tishrei.

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