Women to Daven on Behalf of Couples Waiting for Children

In honor of this week's Parsha, Shifra and Puah of Crown Heights is launching a special initiative for women to Daven for all those waiting to be blessed with children. Here's how you can join.

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A Mother’s Prayer

For fourteen years, Shifra and Puah of Crown Heights has been supporting new mothers and their families with vital postpartum care, including meals, cleaning assistance, and financial aid. This initiative reflects a deep concern for the needs of new mothers, the well-being of their families, and the broader communal value of raising Jewish children.

In this week’s Parsha, Shemos, we are reminded of the heroic Jewish midwives, Shifra and Puah, who selflessly cared for Jewish women during the harsh slavery in Mitzrayim. These brave women defied Pharaoh’s cruel decree to kill baby boys, risking their own lives to protect and nurture the future of Klal Yisroel.

In honor of this Parsha, Shifra and Puah of Crown Heights is launching, for the second year, a special initiative called Women for Women. Through this program, women dedicate heartfelt tefillos for other women who are still waiting to be blessed with children. Children are a bracha, bringing light to their families, communities, and Klal Yisroel as a whole. We fervently daven that every couple merits to experience this incredible blessing.

As part of this initiative, on Erev Shabbos, each participating woman will receive a list of names of couples to daven for. These names will also be sent to the Alter Rebbe’s Tzion on the Yartzeit of Chof Daled Teves. Additionally, a dedicated group of women from Crown Heights will daven on their behalf at the Ohel and at the resting places of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and Rebbetzin Chana.

We warmly invite you to join this meaningful initiative. You can participate by submitting names of couples who need tefillos or by requesting names to daven for. Submissions are open until Thursday at 3:00 PM.

To submit names:

To request names to daven for: https://bit.ly/Names2daven

May all our tefillos be answered, and may we merit to witness the ultimate redemption.

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