Shlucha of 65 Years Shares the Rebbe’s Light in Jerusalem

Chabad of Talbiya Women’s Circle organized an event that was empowering, emotional and elegant all in one evening. Rebbetzin Bassie Garelik, who traveled all the way from Milan, Italy, and released Gaza hostage Sapir Cohen inspired participants.

by · COLlive

In honor of Vav Tishrei, The Rebbe’s mother’s Yarzheit, it is befitting to share moments of strength, faith and light emanating from Eretz Yisrael.

By Clara ( Faigy Silverstein)

The Yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe is observed with deep respect and reverence worldwide. However, the true goal is not only to commemorate this auspicious day, but to keep alive his message and sacred work with each passing year until the coming of Mashiach. This is more than evident in the work of Chabad of Talbiya – Mamilla, directed by Shluchim Rabbi Eli and Chanale Canterman.

Chabad of Talbiya Women’s Circle organized an event on the 3rd of Tammuz that was empowering, emotional and elegant all in one evening.

The Gimmel Tammuz event was held at the David Castle which overlooks the walls of Jerusalem’s old City, with a warm, informal atmosphere. A delicious buffet greeted the guests, allowing for lively conversation and connection. The program that followed was both deeply moving and uniquely entertaining. After a warm welcome to all attendees, the crowd was treated to a charming duet by Mendel Segal and Meir Zevi Canterman, whose voices and poise were beyond their years.

The evening’s “official” singer, Esther Kalifa, graced the gathering with her beautiful voice and soul-stirring lyrics, setting a powerful tone for the night.

Yet no one was prepared for the two astounding speeches that followed. Rebbetzin Bassie Garelik and Sapir’s Cohen’s words of wisdom and faith will be remembered for a long time to come

A rare and poignant moment came when Sapir Cohen, a young woman who had been held captive in Gaza for 55 days, shared her powerful story of survival. She spoke about her sense of mission to help other captives and of her unwavering faith in HaShem throughout her terrifying ordeal.

She turned the dreaded tunnels into “The greatest tourist attraction in order to help the younger hostages survive Sapir, a true gem, was one of three women who took challah at the end of the evening and recited a heart wrenching bracha, making this the 38th Challah Bake (out of 49) that Chabad of Talbiya has held for mothers/ families of hostages.

Keynote speaker was Rebbetzin Bassie Garelik, who traveled all the way from Milan, Italy, where she and her late husband have been shluchim of the Rebbe for the past 65 years. Rebbetzin Bassie, a beloved teacher, regaled the audience with funny, touching, and inspiring stories from her decades of service. Her personal recollections of the Rebbe and her devotion to carrying out his vision touched the hearts of the many women in attendance, including former students of hers from various stages of life. An epic moment took place when Esther Woolf, a past student of Rebbetzin Garelik arose and with tears in her eyes, shared with the audience that she merited to grow up with Jewish values, raise children on the Torah path, and have grandchildren who are deans of Yeshivot today, thanks to the guidance and role model of Rebbetzin Bassie.

Yelena Trouponov – a second released hostage and Ruchie Levine, were also honored with the mitzvah of taking challah.. The evening ended with joyful singing and spirited dancing, as women came together to give strength not only to the evacuees and relatives of hostages but also to pay homage to the Rebbe on his yahrzeit and to draw inspiration from his timeless teachings and directives.

In these difficult times—both globally and within our country, the fire of hope was given extra fuel and spirits were raised to the heights – just as the Rebbe would have wanted.

Highlight video and Challah Bake #38 with Sapir Cohen and Rebbetzin Bassie Garelik

Meir Zev singing

Sapir speech

Rebbetzin Bassie Garelik speech

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