Budding Artist Produces Children’s Tishrei Book

A young fourth-grader at the Lubavitch Cheder in Chicago set out to convey the central themes of Tishrei in a manner that would appeal to even young kids in his new book, “A Journey Through Tishrei.”

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A young fourth-grader at the Lubavitch Cheder in Chicago set out to convey the central themes of Tishrei in a manner that would appeal to even young kids. With vibrant full-page color drawings and cute poems lined with depth, his new book, “A Journey Through Tishrei,” does just that.

Some of the key concepts covered in the first segment of our journey include the auspiciousness of Elul when the King is in the field, accepting Hashem as our King along with our renewed commitment to follow all His mitzvos, avoiding sour foods on Rosh Hashanah, making amends with our friends before Yom Kippur, and davening with our feet together like Malachim.

Our journey continues through the joyous days of Sukkos, the special mitzvos we do, our holy spiritual guests, dancing with the Torah, and not to forget — the Chol Hamoed fun! We also learn the importance of taking along our Tishrei inspiration as a boost for the rest of the year.

Parents and educators have said their kids love the book’s original illustrations and really appreciate the messages given so creatively. It’s a great tool for parents and teachers to bring the important aspects of the Yomim Tovim throughout Tishrei into their homes and classrooms in an enjoyable way.

The new book, “A Journey Through Tishrei,” is available on Amazon in time for Tishrei at an introductory price. It also makes a great gift for any occasion.
Also, make sure to look out for the upcoming volumes, b’ezras Hashem, in this Yom Tov Journey series!

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