New Book About Yitzi Hurwitz to be Published

Anticipated in 5785, a deeply inspiring book is being compiled to celebrate the life and teachings of Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz, the Temecula Shliach who is courageously battling ALS.

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Anticipated in 5785, a deeply inspiring book is being compiled to celebrate the life and teachings of Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz. Despite the challenges posed by ALS, Rabbi Yitzi’s unwavering faith, profound wisdom, and inspirational spirit continues to touch thousands of lives around the world.

Rabbi Yitzi’s journey serves as a most powerful testament to what it means to have true בטחון in Hashem. His teachings and Divrei Torah have been a beacon of light and inspiration for many. This book will not only chronicle his remarkable journey, but also capture the essence of his impactful teachings.

To make this book a true reflection of Rabbi Yitzi’s influence, the editorial team is reaching out to you. If Rabbi Yitzi has impacted your life—whether through his teachings, personal interactions, or simply through his example of courage and faith—we would be honored to hear from you. Your stories and experiences are crucial in showcasing the profound effect Rabbi Yitzi has had on individuals and communities.

Whether your experiences with Rabbi Yitzi occurred before his diagnosis or during his ongoing journey with ALS, we invite you to share them with us. Your contributions will help highlight the powerful and meaningful aspects of Rabbi Yitzi’s Torah and life lessons, bringing his message to a broader audience.

Join us in honoring and sharing the remarkable journey of Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz. Together, we can spread his message of faith and inspiration far and wide.

For more information or to submit your story, please reach out to us at the email address provided. Your support and contributions are deeply appreciated.

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Inspiring Excerpt from the upcoming book:

Joy In Spite of Everything

Yitzi had always been a man with a ready smile, someone whose presence brightened the room with indomitable joy. Contracting ALS could not take that away. He didn’t let the disease get to him. Even as his speech began to slur, making it more and more difficult to communicate, Yitzi remained upbeat and positive.

In one instance, the Hurwitzes went to a grocery store. Yitzi pushed his overloaded shopping cart to the register and began making conversation with the woman behind the counter. She mistook his slurred speech for drunkenness. She looked at him and his family and began to angrily berate him for his slovenly behavior. How could he get drunk on a regular weekday morning, in front of his children!?

Yitzi did not even deign to respond. He simply took his groceries and walked away. “Anyone who hears themselves being cursed and does not respond is called a Chassid.” Yitzi knew that if he explained the situation, it would greatly embarrass the woman, so he accepted the censure and left. And he did it with a smile.

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