Rabbi Braun Address Yechi Being Said While Opening Aron Kodesh

A question to Asktherav.com: Over Yom Tov, I noticed that every time the Aron Hakodesh was opened for Vayehi Binsoah in 770, Yechi was announced three times. Is this problematic from a Halachic perspective?

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From AsktheRav.com


Over Yom Tov, I noticed that every time the Aron Hakodesh was opened for Vayehi Binsoah in 770, Yechi was announced three times.

I am a firm believer in saying Yechi after Davening etc. but was wondering if saying it by Pesichas Ha’aron is problematic from a Halachic perspective and if it is, can you please explain why it is problematic according to Halacha.


These announcements before Pesichas Ha’aron are not part of the rite of davening in the shul, and are not sanctioned by anyone with authority in the shul. A fringe minority group who think they can choose to announce in the shul whatever they want, whenever they want, has recently begun doing so against the express instructions of the gabboim in the shul.

Now, I’m not aware of a specific halachic issue with this particular announcement at this time, other than the general fact that one should not add on their own to the nusach hatefillah.

Even with regard to Tehillim after davening, the Rebbeim made sure that it is not perceived as an addition to the seder hatefillah, although it is recited only after davening is over. At first, the directive was to recite it away from the Amud. Later it was accepted that it is OK to do so even at the amud, so long that ach tzadikim was recited first, indicating the conclusion of davening.

In any event, even if there wouldn’t be such a concern, which there is as mentioned, it baffles me how people think they have the right to go and introduce their hergeishim as part of the order of the shul. This is true of any announcement and in any shul. It is absolutely forbidden according to halacha to make such announcements, especially during davening, without express authorization from the local rov/rabbonim/gabbai/gabboim. That individuals decide on their own how a shul should run, against the express wishes of those who are halachically responsible for the shul, is clearly in violation of Halacha. If this is true of any shul, how much more so in 770, the Rebbe’s shul. Who has the audacity to introduce new minhagim, unsanctioned by the morei deasra, who were given the responsibility to make these decisions, in the Rebbe’s shul?


בנוגע להוספה על נוסח התפלה – ראה ט״ז או״ח קכב. ב. ערוה״ש קיט, ב. אלא שזהו במטבע הברכות.

ובנוגע הוספה בכלל בסדר התפלה, ובפרט בציבור – ראה שו״ת שבו״י ב, מד – הובא בשיחה דלקמן – שעובר משום ב״ת. (ולהעיר מכעי״ז בשו״ת מהר״ם שיק או״ח לא, א. התעוררות תשובה א, כב. שם ג, סו, א. דבר יהושע ב,ח, א). ועוד שם שי״ב משום ב״ת על גבול שגבלו ראשונים סדר תפלות. ואולי גם במש״כ לפנ״ז שעובר משום ב״ת הכוונה כן. ודוחק. וראה גם עד״ז כה״ח א, ל. וראה בכ״ז קובץ העו״ב גל׳ תתקפח.

ובנוגע לשיעור תהלים היומי – סה״ש תרפ״ז ע׳ 116. [ולהעיר ממנהג כעי״ז בקשר לסדר קבלת שבת – דברי קהלות ע׳ 62. כתבי ר״א ברלינר א ע׳ 44. וראה קובץ בית אהרן וישראל גל׳ סו]. שיחת ו׳ תשרי תש״ל.

וראה בכעי״ז באג״ק יב ע׳ יח ואילך. שם טז ע׳ ער ואילך. ולהעיר גם משו״ת דברי יציב ז, יט. שם נב.

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