Simche Friedman Takes Over a TV News Broadcast

Chasidic singer Simche Friedman has released a new single transforming the 'oppressive' news studio into a happy, believing, positive and optimistic place.

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Chasidic singer Simche Friedman has released a new and intriguing single – “Im Yirtzeh Hashem”.

The song comes with an original and creative video clip that touches on a sensitive issue.

“People are tired of the gloomy and pessimistic tone of the news presenters in the media,” says Simche. “We took the text of the song, which is about Emunah and Bitachon, and with it we turned the ‘oppressive’ studio into a happy, believing, positive and optimistic place! How exactly does this happen? You’ll have to watch for yourselves”

The song is Hasidic-Kumzitz style, with simple lyrics that convey a strong message of faith and confidence in Hashem. The melody is catchy and energetic, easy to remember and fun to sing.

“The message of the song, together with the unique music video, is particularly relevant for our time”, concludes Simche. “People want to hear positive messages of encouragement and hope. G-d willing we will see how everything was and is for the best, and with G-d’s help – together we will win”!

The song was composed by Rabbi Menachem Nordman. The lyrics were written by Simche Friedman and Rabbi Menachem Nordman. Eli Klein and Itzi Berry are responsible for the arrangement and musical production. The video was directed and edited by Sruli Broncher, photography by Isaac Kalman, and the script was written by Rabbi Yoel Baitch.

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