Source: Instagram | zhiddinazizz

“Keep it in your pants” – M’sian Man Shares How He Was Approached for Sex by an Arab Man in Mecca


Malaysian content creator and host, Zhiddin Aziz recently shared a shocking encounter with an Arab man in Mecca when the former was sitting alone in a hotel lobby.

Zhiddin knew very well what the man wanted but the latter kept beating around the bush, to the point where an annoyed Zhiddin asked the man – are you gay?

The man approached Zhiddin and asked if he was alone, to which the Malaysian content creator told him that his mother was around. The man then asked Zhiddin if he was okay with going up to the room together.

By that time, Zhiddin knew that the man had no good intentions, but he made sure by asking what the man really wanted.

“What do you think?” the Arab man asked Zhiddin.

Irritated with his response, Zhiddin “helped” the man by going straight to the point and asking him, “Are you gay? You want to have sex with me?”

The Arab man then admitted that he was bringing coitus to the table. Zhiddin, who was unhappy with the man, calmly handled the situation by politely rejecting the man.

“If that is your intention, please forget about it and keep it in your pants. I don’t want to be part of this conversation, please leave me alone. May Allah bless you. Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you).”

Fortunately, the Arab man respected Zhiddin’s boundaries and immediately left the scene after apologising to Zhiddin for upsetting him. Zhiddin managed to take a picture of the man from the back as he left.

“I was 5 minutes away from the Ka’abah”

In his Instagram post @zhiddinazizz, Zhiddin revealed that he was just 5 minutes away from the Ka’abah, a place of worship for Muslims when performing their pilgrimage.

He expressed his intention in sharing the video which was not just about spreading awareness, but also a reminder.

“Regardless of where you are, sins are everywhere.”

Zhiddin’s calm demeanour is certainly admirable. How would you have handled the situation if you were in his shoes?



Also read: M’sian Emcee Remains Calm, Greets Audience With Poem Despite Having His Script Accidentally Taken Away

Source: Instagram | zhiddinaziz
Source: Instagram | zhiddinaziz
Source: Instagram | zhiddinaziz