“The One Boundary We Had”: MIL Fails To Keep Her Dog Downstairs, DIL Ends Up In A Wheelchair

by · Bored Panda


When you’re a guest in someone else’s home, the best thing you can do is be respectful. Empty the dishwasher before your hosts get home from work, tidy up the bathroom when they’ve had a busy week, and don’t do anything to make their lives harder.

But when one woman ended up with a broken ankle thanks to her mother-in-law’s dog, she decided that she had had enough of hosting the pair. Below, you’ll find the full story that this frustrated woman recently posted on the Just No MIL subreddit, as well as some of the replies that readers shared. 

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This woman’s mother-in-law has been staying with her since she separated from her husband

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Image source: cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

But when the mom’s failure to follow their house rules resulted in serious injuries, the woman decided that she wants her mother-in-law out



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Image credits: GeorgeRudy / envato (not the actual photo)

Image source: serena-94

The majority of couples admit that they’ve had conflicts with their in-laws


Having issues with the in-laws may sound like a cliché, but there’s a reason why this has become such a common trope. Unfortunately, the BBC reports that a whopping 75% of couples admit they’ve had issues with an in-law. But apparently, women are much more likely to struggle with their partner’s parents than men. 

In fact, a survey from Fatherly found that women are 16% more likely to experience a sense of dread before seeing their partner’s parents than men. And as far as how spouses would rate their relationships with their in-laws, men reported much higher ratings than their female partners. 

So what kinds of conflicts are people having with their in-laws? Fatherly reports that nearly a third of parents argue with their in-laws about parenting styles, and 15% have tense disagreements about politics. 14% also have conflicts involving money, and 4% admitted that their in-laws pressure them to have a more successful career.

If you often have issues with your partner’s parents, you’re certainly not alone. Perhaps you just need to keep them at a safe distance, as absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder! But what happens when your spouse’s mother decides that she wants to move in with you for a while? 


It may not be easy accepting the fact that one of your in-laws will be in your space at all times. But the reality is that, once you got married, they became family. You don’t have to love them as much as your partner, and you certainly don’t have to let them walk all over you. But until they’ve given you a good reason for why they can’t live with you, it’s only fair to give them a chance.

Before moving a parent in, however, Baxter Senior Living recommends setting some ground rules. Inform them of your house rules up front to prevent misunderstandings or resentment from growing. But choose your words wisely; you still want them to feel welcome in your home. 

It’s important to establish solid boundaries with your partner’s parents

And if a difficult conversation must be had, ask your partner if they can take the reins. Hopefully the message will sound less harsh coming from their child than their son or daughter-in-law.

Try to provide your in-law with a private space of their own, and be clear about the rules when it comes to pets in the home. Discuss how responsibilities and chores will be divided up, and remember to keep cool, calm and collected. The last thing you should be in your own home is uncomfortable, but making some compromises while hosting an in-law is inevitable. 


Being able to set boundaries is an important aspect of any relationship, whether you’re living together or not. And Marriage.com has some suggestions for healthy boundaries that many married individuals may need to set with their mother-in-law. 

First, you may need to be clear about topics that are off-limits. It might also be helpful to ban critical comments, from both you and her. Don’t allow her to ever make it seem like the two of you are in competition, and if you must, you can make it clear that unsolicited advice is not welcomed.

It might be necessary to ask your in-laws not to push their own beliefs on you, and you may need to explain the difference between favors and offering unconditional help. Don’t entertain games that make your mother-in-law seem like the victim, and ask for honest, direct communication rather than passive aggressive comments. 

It’s not always possible to have a perfect relationship with your in-laws, but you certainly shouldn’t be miserable around them. We would love to hear your thoughts on this situation in the comments below, pandas. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda piece discussing in-law drama, we recommend reading this article next! 


Later, the woman shared an update on where she’s staying now

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Readers were horrified by the story, and many agreed that the mother-in-law has overstayed her welcome