17 of the most memorable events that occurred during General Conference

by · KSL.com

Estimated read time: 5-6 minutes

It's been 194 years since The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized on April 6, 1830. Since then, the Semi-Annual General Conference meetings of the Church have become some of the most sacred and highly anticipated events of the year for many Latter-day Saints. The opportunity to hear from Church leaders, 15 of which members of the Church sustain as prophets, seers and revelators, is an experience that members intimately cherish and look forward to.

Over the years, there have been some unforgettable announcements and events that have occurred during the General Conference sessions of the Church. Here are 17 of the most memorable.

2018 - Two-hour church block announced

Having been on a three-hour meeting block for several decades, the announcement of a two-hour block took many by surprise. In conjunction with the emphasis on the Church being a "home-centered, church-supported" experience, the shortened Sunday worship schedule was a welcome adjustment to better enable more home-centered worship, teaching and learning.

2012 - Missionary age change

For years, the age at which young men and women were eligible for missions was 19 for men and 21 for women. In 2012, President Thomas S. Monson announced that the eligible age would be lowered to 18 for men and 19 for women.

2008 - Rome, Italy temple announced

Long the capital of traditional Christianity, the announcement by President Thomas S. Monson that a temple would be constructed not far from the Vatican was monumental and a mark of how much The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had grown.

2008 - President Thomas S. Monson wiggles his ears

If you've seen this bit from President Monson, you'll never forget it. You can watch it here.

2007 - Elder Russell M. Nelson steadies Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

In one of his last talks, Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin began to shake uncontrollably. In a true act of Christlike compassion, Elder Russell M. Nelson gracefully stood behind him and steadied him until he finished his talk. You can watch his full talk here.

2004 - Preach My Gospel announced

In what the Church said is, "... the most complete, orchestrated effort in the history of the Church to unify the missionary effort," the Preach My Gospel manual on missionary work was announced.

2003 - Elder David B. Haight waved to the audience

Unable to speak due to illness, Elder Haight could not refuse the opportunity to wave to the congregation. He did, and while waving said, "I'm waving!" Watch the full clip here.

2001 - Perpetual Education Fund announced

President Hinckley announced a new program to help members in developing countries obtain a loan for gaining an education.

2000 - Conference Center dedicated

Seating 21,000 people, the new Conference Center was larger than life — significantly more than the previous conference location, the Salt Lake Tabernacle.

1999 - Nauvoo, Illinois temple reconstruction announced

In a historic announcement, President Gordon B. Hinckley announced that the Nauvoo Temple would be rebuilt and that architects were already working on the project thanks, in part, to some significant donations from members of the Church. The temple was dedicated by President Hinckley in 2002.

1985 - Elder Bruce R. McConkie gives his final testimony

No one will forget Elder McConkie's last public testimony, "The Purifying Power of Gethsemane." Not only was it a powerful witness of Jesus Christ, but it also was the final seal on a dedicated disciple's path. Elder McConkie died about two weeks after this talk was given.

1982 - The Book of Mormon subtitle announced

The Book of Mormon, up until 1982, did not have the subtitle. To clarify and emphasize its message, Elder Boyd K. Packer announced in General Conference that the book would now be known as, "The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ."

1980 - Church re-establishment televised during New York Conference session

In a historic event, the Church's General Conference session was broadcast from one of the most important locations in the church's history, Fayette, New York.

1978 - LeGrand Richards has the red button telling him he's over time

In one of the more humorous events in General Conference history, the verbose Elder LeGrand Richards went over time and the red button on the podium was illuminated. He stopped, mid-sentence, turned to President Spencer W. Kimball, and asked if he was overtime. You can see the full clip here.

1978 - Official Declaration 2 presented to the Church

In one of the more historically significant moments in church history, President Spencer W. Kimball shared and announced the revelation, now known and published as Official Declaration 2, that stated that "... all worthy male members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could be ordained to the priesthood without regard to race or color."

1949 - The first televised General Conference of the Church

It was only 75 years ago that General Conference was first televised. Now it can be found live worldwide through satellite, streaming and other broadcast services.

1856 - Brigham Young sends rescue parties to stranded handcart companies

Speaking to his indomitable practicality, President Brigham Young all but canceled the conference in an urgent response to helping saints stranded on the plains in the bitter, cold and treacherous weather.

He said, "That is my religion; that is the dictation of the Holy Ghost that I possess. It is to save the people … I will tell you that your faith, religion, and profession of religion, will never save one soul of you in the Celestial Kingdom of our God unless you carry out just such principles as I am now teaching you. Go and bring in those people now on the plains."

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