EXCLUSIVE: Michael Jai White: American Black Folks are Loud as Hell Compared to Africans


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Part 10: Michael Jai White & Vlad Argue Over Michael Claiming Whipping Kids Came from Slavery
Part 1: Michael Jai White on Tearing His Achilles When He Got Jumped by Ninjas


Michael Jai White recounted his eye-opening journey through various African countries. White discussed the profound impact Ghana had on reshaping his understanding of his lineage, contrasting it with his former viewpoint as a "Black American." Visiting African nations, White was struck by how different Africans looked compared to African Americans, particularly noting how places like Ghana made him feel an authentic connection to his roots. His experiences also revealed a surprising observation: many Africans he encountered were notably genteel and soft-spoken in comparison to African Americans.

White's travels inspired him to forge new partnerships with African companies in film and TV, motivated by the strong admiration he discovered among African audiences. He emphasized the significance of these collaborations not just in entertainment but in bridging cultural gaps and empowering communities globally. The experience has inspired White to continue uplifting stories of people who look like him on-screen, resonating deeply with international audiences.