Levaya Held for Crown Heights Resident Yossi Lifshitz

Crown Heights residents gathered on Thursday for the third levaya in the neighborhood, mourning the passing of longtime resident R' Yossi Lifshitz OBM, who passed away at 61 after battling an illness. He was laid to rest at Old Montefiore Cemetery in Queens.

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He is survived by his wife Dvorah (nee Eichler) and children Binyomin LifshitzMushka Flint, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Lifshitz and Bella Brook, all of Crown Heights.

He is also survived by his parents R’ Shlomo and Chaya Lifshitz and his siblings Binyomin, Musi GoldshmidTzvika and Chani Olidort, all of Kfar Chabad, Israel.

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