Levaya Held for Mrs. Shaindel Glick

The Levaya of Mrs. Shaindel Glick obm, a beloved mother and educator from Los Angeles, CA, passed by 770 Eastern Parkway on the way to burial on Friday.

by · COLlive

She is survived by her husband, Sholom (Berel) Glick and children Yossi, Eli, Moshe, Baila, Yehudis, Zev, Rochel and Mendel.

She is also survived by her father Nissan and his wife Sharon Friedman of Montreal and her in-laws Reb Avrohom and Chaya Raizel Glick of Australia.

She was predeceased by her mother Baila Friedman.

She is also survived by her siblings, Gitty Lesches – Crown Heights, Asher Friedman – Crown Heights, Faigy Zwiebel – Ashland, Oregan, Miriam Goldshmid – Crown Heights, Chaim Friedman – Crown Heights, Ephraim Friedman – Crown Heights.

Shiva at 1287 Carroll Street starting Motzei Shabbos.

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