Photos: Mendy Krief/COLlive

Erev Shabbos in Crown Heights

Sights and scenes from preparations on Friday for Shabbos Parshas Ki Savo in the Crown Heights neighborhood.

by · COLlive

Photos: Mendy Krief/COLlive

Candle Lighting in Crown Heights: 6:37 PM
Shabbos ends: 7:36 PM

This week is Parshas Ki Savo

This week’s Shalom Zachors:
Moshe and Miriam Glikin – Shul, 613 East New York Ave. [Between Kingston and Albany Aves]
Mendy and Mrs. Zion – Shul, 770 Lefferts Ave. [Between Troy and Schenectady Aves]
Shmuel & Chaya Super – Shul, 770 Lefferts Ave. [Between Troy and Schenectady Aves]
Tanchum and Mrs. Abrahams – 471 East New York Ave [between Brooklyn and New York Ave] 9 pm

Good Shabbos from the staff at!

(To add a Sholom Zochor, email

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