Educators Join Sukkos Farbrengen in Montreal

Close to 50 Mechanchim, both local and guests from all over, came together for a Farbrengen in Montreal.

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Close to 50 Mechanchim, both local and guests from all over, came together for a Farbrengen in Montreal. The focus of the Farberngen was how to be better Mechanchim for our Children, taking lessons from Succos and all the Ushpizin.

A big Yasir Koach to the local Yungerlight and Shluchim of Vaad Tomchai Mechanchim of Montreal, who sponsored this event, and to the many who shared Divrai Hisorius and Chizuk.

The Farbrengen was arranged by Rabbis CB Teitelbaum and Yisroel Menkes, and hosted by Congregation Tziri HaDas.

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